Wednesday Apple Rumors — Kindle Fire Giving Would-Be iPad Buyers Pause

daily apple rumors AAPLHere are your Apple rumors and AAPL stock news items for Wednesday:

Kindle Fire Holds Back Potential iPad Customers: A new survey conducted by RBC Capital Markets and ChangeWave found that Amazon‘s (NASDAQ:AMZN) new Kindle Fire tablet already is starting to impact Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPad sales. According to an Apple Insider report detailing the survey results, 26% of the 2,600 respondents said that the Kindle Fire has caused them to delay purchasing the iPad. Five percent of respondents said they already had pre-ordered Amazon’s tablet or planned to purchase it soon. A similar survey conducted prior to the iPad 2’s release last March found that just 4% of respondents had already pre-ordered the device or planned to buy it in the near future.

Adobe No Longer Making Flash Mobile: In a way, Apple won its war against Adobe (NASDAQ:ADBE) on Wednesday. The media-editing app maker announced via its official blog that it is ceasing development of its Flash media platform for mobile devices like those powered by Google‘s (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android operating system. The company will instead “more aggressively” develop resources for HTML5. Flash vice president Danny Winokur wrote that the universal support of the new web standard, which allows web app designers to build video and interactive content directly into a website, is the reason for the change. Apple famously barred Flash from working on its iOS devices like iPhone and iPad, pushing HTML5 instead.

Apple is World’s N0. 4 Green Electronics Manufacturer: Greenpeace released its 2011 Guide to Greener Electronics and placed Apple as the No. 4 cleanest electronics maker on the planet, according to a Wednesday report at Fortune. This is a huge step up for Apple which, back in 2007, was second only to Panasonic (NYSE:PC) as the dirtiest electronics manufacturer. Apple received accolades for its recycling programs and for meeting or exceeding Energy Star requirements.

As of this writing, Anthony John Agnello did not own a position in any of the aforementioned stocks. Follow him on Twitter at @ajohnagnello and become a fan of InvestorPlace on Facebook. For previous Apple rumors and news, click here.

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