Apple‘s (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone, which will celebrate its fifth birthday June 29, has led the cavalcade of products that have catapulted AAPL shares into the stratosphere and turned the Cupertino, Calif., company into a roughly $550 billion leviathan.
But crack open an iPhone or iPad and look at the inner workings. You’ll see more than just the Apple logo lurking. That’s because these gadgets are technological “team efforts,” with various parts brought in from a number of companies across the globe. Each one of these companies gets a cut from the bazillion or so gadgets that Foxconn and other plants can crank out, forming a massive corporate ecosystem revolving around Apple’s technological brainpower.
To get an idea of the size and scope of this “Apple Ecosystem,” here’s a graphic illustrating how some big-business players fit into some of the world’s most beloved tech gear: