It seems that Black Friday hours keep moving up earlier and earlier — which means less Thanksgiving family time for store workers who may be called in.
Last year, most other retailers managed to hold off until the early hours of Friday morning, or at least midnight. Macy’s has been one of these, which at least gives most employees time to have some dinner and pie…if their family celebrates the holiday within easy commuting distance of their home. That is, unless they’re working on crowd control or stocking the shelves. Those workers come in earlier: one security guard told us that his employer asked him to come in at 4 P.M. on Thanksgiving Day.
The Consumerist notes that Macy’s media relations office stated that they have yet to release the Thanksgiving/Black Friday staff hours. However, the site did leak this email poll to employees from one of the Macy stores:
The Thanksgiving Holiday is also a critical time and we are counting on you to help make it successful. Your store will open at 8 pm on Thursday, November 28th. We would like to know if you are able to work an opening shift beginning at 7:30 pm on Thursday, November 28th.
The employees are then taken to a page that basically says they may not have a choice in the matter.
We will do our best to honor your preferences. Based on the needs of the business we may still need you to work an opening shift. Please be sure to review your schedule for any assigned shifts.
Black Friday, here we come….