Tuesday Apple Rumors: iPhone 6 to Get 10MP Camera, New Aperture

daily apple rumors AAPLHere are your Apple rumors and AAPL news items for today:

Pixel Bump: New reports from Asian media sources say that Apple (AAPL) will increase the resolution of the main camera on its next-generation iPhone, MacRumors notes. Previous rumors indicated that Apple would stick with the 8-megapixel sensor found on the current iPhone’s rear camera and concentrate on boosting optical image stabilization in the next iPhone. According to the latest reports, however, Apple will ditch the 8-megapixel sensor in favor of a 10-megapixel camera. It will also adopt an f/1.8 aperture for the iPhone 6 rear camera. The current flagship iPhone 5s features an f/2.2 aperture rear camera with an 8-megapixel sensor. The new reports also say that Apple will use a new resin lens filter from JSR in the new camera, dumping the hybrid IR filter used on the current iPhone.

Big Gain: According to a Morgan Stanley (MS) analyst, Apple’s much-rumored smartwatch could ring up sales of $17.5 billion during its first year on the market, AppleInsider notes. Katy Huberty says that iWatch sales will soar because it will be positioned as a complimentary accessory to the iPhone and iPad, allowing it to leverage existing customer bases for those products. First year, iWatch sales will thus have a built in support base, unlike previous Apple new product launches, which had to create their own markets. Huberty predicts that the iWatch will be priced around $299. If Apple experiences the same sort of production issues that constrained supplies of its iPhone 5s and Retina iPad Mini at launch time, the first-year sales estimate could be slashed to between $10 billion and $14 billion. Apple is widely expected to launch the iWatch some time in the second half of this year.

Pledge: Apple says it will contribute $100 million in iPads and computers to an effort to boost technology access for K-12 public school students, the Associated Press notes. The initiative, promoted by U.S. President Barack Obama, has attracted commitments totaling $750 million from leading technology companies including Apple, AT&T (T) and Microsoft (MSFT). The program is part of an effort to get high-speed Internet connectivity to 99% of U.S. schools by 2018.

For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors stories.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2014/02/tuesday-apple-rumors-iphone-6-get-10mp-camera-new-aperture/.

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