Who To Follow On Twitter: A Stock Trader’s Guide

The key to making winning stock trades is information, and social media sites like Twitter now provide traders with information faster than ever before. If you have ever wondered who to follow on Twitter, here are ten feeds every stock trader needs to be following.

  1. @Reformed Broker

twtr stockRitholz Wealth Management financial advisor and CNBC Halftime Report analyst Josh Brown has more than 142,000 followers for a reason. On Twitter and on his blog, The Reformed Broker, Brown shares plenty of actionable, insightful and entertaining commentary about the market.

  1. @Carl_C_Icahn

If you want to know who to follow on Twitter than can personally move the market, Carl Icahn has a track record of doing just that. Icahn’s Twitter followers were the first to know that the billionaire had taken a “large position” in Apple (AAPL) back in 2013, an announcement that sent AAPL shares surging more than 4%.

  1. @jimcramer

Cramer’s stock-picking ability is a hotly-debated topic on Wall Street, but there’s no questioning his insider connections. Cramer is also known for his thought-provoking commentary and his zany antics.

  1. @stlouisfed

Compared to Cramer, following the Federal Reserve is the equivalent to eating your Twitter vegetables. However, the Fed does a great job of tweeting “Readers Digest” versions of the most important information, analysis and charts from its website.

  1. @NorthmanTrader

“Northy” was voted the best trader on Twitter in a 2015 New Trader U poll and was also named one of MarketWatch’s top Twitter accounts investors need to follow. Northy claims to be an independent stock and options trader who generates completely unbiased market analysis for all his followers.

  1. @chaikintools

If you are into technical analysis, you’re probably already familiar with legendary Chaikin Analytics founder Marc Chaikin. The Chaikin Analytics Twitter handle is constantly tweeting trading ideas based on a number of different technical metrics.

  1. @StockCats

If you are a fan of sarcastic humor, insightful stock market commentary and pictures of cats, you are probably already following Stock Cats.

  1. @zerohedge

If you have wondered who to follow on Twitter for a unique, contrarian opinion on just about anything Wall Street culture has to say, “Tyler Durden” at Zero Hedge always has something for you. Just be aware: you may end up second-guessing your bullish ideas!

  1. @pkedrosky

Dr. Paul Kedroskyhas a Ph.D in the economics of technology, a master’s degree in finance and a bachelor’s degree in engineering. He is the brains behind the popular business blog Infections Greed, he has been a seed investor in a number of successful ventures, and he has more than 314,000 loyal followers.

  1. @herbgreenberg

Greenberg has more than 40 years of experience as a financial journalist and is now a partner at Pacific Square Research. Greenberg is a prolific tweeter, with more than 25,000 tweets and 237,000 followers. If you’re looking for breaking financial news, Greenberg’s Twitter feed is the place to be.

Honorable Mention: @InvestorPlace

At the risk of blatant self-promotion, no list of who to follow on Twitter should be complete without including InvestorPlace. InvestorPlace posts links to tons of news and detailed market analysis on its Twitter feed every day. If you’re looking for actionable news stories and hundreds of exclusive trading ideas from a range of top market analysts, @InvestorPlace is where it’s at!

Disclosure: As of this writing, Wayne Duggan had no positions in any of the stocks mentioned. 

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Wayne Duggan has been a U.S. News & World Report Investing contributor since 2016 and is a staff writer at Benzinga, where he has written more than 7,000 articles. Mr. Duggan is the author of the book “Beating Wall Street With Common Sense,” which focuses on investing psychology and practical strategies to outperform the stock market.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2016/06/who-to-follow-on-twitter-stock-traders-guide/.

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