Introduction: The Financial Empire Builder Series

For as long as I can remember, the words “How To” have triggered an irresistible impulse in me to spend money.

How to speak in public… how to be a good writer… how to make money in stocks… how to get rich in real estate… how to be physically fit… how to be a great cook… how to build a big vocabulary… etc.

Every year, people like me spend billions of dollars on “personal development” products. These products promise to teach us “how to” do or have things of value.

There are thousands of personal development books and courses for people with thousands of different goals.

Yet, I believe that when you boil it down, most of us in the “personal development” crowd buy those books, courses, and newsletters for one simple reason…

Because we want more personal power.

I’m not talking about the kind of power that dictators and politicians crave.

Not the kind of power to order people around all day.

I’m talking about positive power that gives you control over your own life… power to do what you want and have what you want… whether it be money, respect, love, sex, free time, acclaim, or freedom.

I’m talking about the power to impress and please people. I’m talking the kind of power that ensures you’ll never be at the mercy of a crazy boss, a crappy job, a creditor, or some bogus limitation placed on you by conventional thinkers.

I’m talking about the kind of power that allows you to shape the world around you.

Of course, laws, morals, and good manners ensure we can’t run amok and do whatever we want all the time. But there’s a general sense of freedom and power over one’s life that most reasonable people want.

We want to pick up and move to a new state if we want to.

We want to buy a car or a nice meal whenever we want to.

We want to be able to leave work on a Tuesday morning and hang out with our families or binge watch Game of Thrones if we want to.

We want the option to say, “Screw it” and walk away from a bad job or a bad business.

Working on my personal development has made me a success by conventional measures. I have a great family and great friends. I live in a big house in an expensive neighborhood (paid for with cash). I became a multi-millionaire in my 30s.

But I’ve also enjoyed a lot of “unconventional” success as well. It has meant far more to me than material things.

Since I got out of high school in 1995, I’ve done pretty much whatever the hell I’ve wanted to do.

I’ve quit three jobs simply because I wanted to do something else or take very long vacations. I’ve spent months motorcycling across America. I’ve traveled the world. I’ve taken the time to read hundreds of great books. I’ve written four books, mostly because I liked the subjects.

In other words, I’ve enjoyed a lot of power and freedom.

I’ll never be on the front page of Forbes magazine, but if living life on your own terms is a measure of success, then I’ve had a lot of success. No bank, no boss, no investor, no employee, no customer has ever made me do something I really didn’t want to do. I’ve always had the power to say “no” or “yes.”

If you’re interested in acquiring more power and freedom, I believe you’ll find that InvestorPlace can be incredible resource for you.

We publish research reports, daily e-letters, books, and educational materials, with a simple goal in mind: To provide you with ideas and tools that will help you acquire more wealth, more power, more knowledge, and more freedom…

To help you build your personal financial empire.

As you’ll quickly learn, we’re our firm doesn’t stick to “just” actionable investment research and recommendations.

What we do is vastly more important than that.

We’re also committed to helping investors acquire a unique state of mind… an enlightened view of wealth and investment. To that end, we’ve created a large amount of educational material that can help anyone become a smarter, richer investor… a builder of their own financial empire.

The way of the empire builder is rooted one critical idea:

If you want to be rich, spend your time acquiring assets. If you want to be poor, spend your time acquiring liabilities.

We believe the best and easiest way to understand this idea is through the lesson of the Great Pyramid.



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