If you have a history of bankruptcy or unpaid debts, your credit score has taken a substantial hit. But consumers can often begin rebuilding their credit scores and improve their financial standing with lenders by taking out a secured credit card.
CNN Money put together a list of nine of the best credit cards for people with lousy credit histories.
Here are three:
- Capital One (NYSE:COF) Secured MasterCard: You’ll have to pay an annual fee of $29, but this card allows users to leverage deposited cash, instead of simply having a line of credit equal to the money prepaid on the card. For example, users who prepay $49 get a $200 line of credit. By increasing the deposit, cardholders can get as much as $3,000 in credit. That benefit comes with a 22.9% APR, which is high for a “secured card.”
- HSBC’s (NYSE:HBC) Orchard Bank cards. Consumers will be offered one of three unsecured credit cards or a secured credit card based on their credit histories. The unsecured cards have annual feels of between $39 and $59, and APRs ranging from 14.99% to 24.99%. Orchard Bank’s secured credit card requires a minimum deposit of $200 and an annual fee of $35, but offers 7.99% APR, which is low.
- USAA Secured Credit Card. Open only to members of the military and their families, this card requires a $250 minimum deposit. However, in addition to giving you the card, USAA will create a 2-year CD for cardholders, which earns about 1% on deposited money. Cardholders can deposit between $250 and $5,000, with the amount deposited as the card’s limit. USAA charges a $35 annual fee and 9.9% APR.
For the other six cards CNN Money deems best for consumers with bad credit, click here.