New research into helping Alzheimer’s patients might lead to treatments within this decade.
William Thies, chief medical officer at the Alzheimer’s Association, says in a news release that several promising lines of research might pay off. Scientists involved in the research now believe they’re on the right track to combat the disease, according to the Associated Press. The news service quotes Thies saying, “The number of smart people working on this problem means to me we’ll begin to manage it better in the very near future. It may be as short as three years away.”
Pharmaceutical makers are also getting involved. Drugs have recently been tested by Merck (NYSE:MRK), Eli Lilly (NYSE:LLY) and a combined Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) effort. While not all of the drugs have been proven effective, even the ones that have failed in trials showed some benefit.
A prevention study, called DIAN TU, will begin next year. The study aims to find ways to combat Alzheimer’s before it gets hold of a victim. The study will test drugs and treatment regimes on those with a family history of Alzheimer’s that begins in their 50s, rather than the more common 65+ age range.