Special Update: What to Do About the Coronavirus Bear Market

It’s like a punch to the gut.

Stocks have fallen rapidly into a bear market on coronavirus fears and the dramatic steps governments and businesses are taking to contain it.

I’ve been through bear markets before, and they are always rough while we’re in the middle of them.


It’s in our nature to dislike uncertainty, and there’s an awful lot of that going around right now. So, while I can’t give you exact answers to some questions, I can help you think rationally about what’s happening and the next steps.

The best way for me to talk to you about everything is in person. I received a ton of positive feedback and favorable comments after the podcast I put together on Monday, so I’ve recorded another special MoneyLine podcast in the wake of today’s market drop following a bevy of headlines and cancellations in the last 24 hours.

We’ll look at the most important headlines and what they mean. I can’t tell you when the selling will end – although I believe it will be sooner than later – but there are rays of hope that are getting overshadowed by other stories. I’ll share some of those with you.

And we’ll also talk about how we as investors should fight our emotions and resist joining in the panic selling. The latest drop has brought some stocks down to where they are phenomenal opportunities, and I’ll highlight a couple of the most attractive.

We’re going to get through the coronavirus, and all the selling that’s come with it.

In the meantime, 5G won’t stop expanding. (Some people are already working on 6G!) Scientists aren’t going to stop advancements in genetic testing – we need them more than ever. More devices will still connect as the Internet of Things (IoT) explodes. And on and on.

Every death from the coronavirus is a tragedy, and we all hope containment efforts will work quickly. In the meantime, the selling sucks. I get it. But even if you don’t want to buy right now, please don’t panic sell.

I hope you’ll click here to watch this important MoneyLine podcast. I’ll be back with a full podcast tomorrow, and I’m trying to get a guest expert to help us get a handle on the coronavirus.

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/03/special-update-what-to-do-about-the-coronavirus-bear-market/.

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