They Won’t Be Laughing At My Bold Cryptocurrency Prediction This Time

I regularly discuss different hypergrowth investing themes, and for good reason.

My goal is to offer recommendations to my subscribers that have the chance to grow as much as 100-fold because of the massive, wealth-generating power of newfound industries or technologies that go on to change the world.

Cryptocurrencies are in this category.

If you’ve been tuning out this new asset class worth over $190 billion as of this writing, please don’t continue down this path. Not this year. Not when so many catalysts are setting up behind bitcoin and its altcoin cousins.

It could leave you wondering what life-altering gains actually look like.

To give you a sense of what I’m talking about, let’s step in the MoneyWire time machine and go back a few years…

I first discussed bitcoin’s explosive potential on Fox News on July 1, 2014.

At the time, I noted that “bitcoin is there for the taking… I’ve become a believer.” The fact that it could become a global currency for the digital age and act as a store of value like digital gold were the main reasons driving my bullish view. That view has only been strengthened as time has passed and the conditions for bitcoin’s rise have continued to develop.

Even though blockchain technology itself is complicated, bitcoin’s ongoing allure and massive potential are really quite simple.

It’s a digital form of money that governments cannot control or debase… one we can transfer without a middleman, like a big bank, stepping in to take a cut or change the rules.

For those who don’t place much trust in government or big banks, bitcoin is a great idea.

If you’d listened to me back in 2014, when the price was still a mere $640.81 per bitcoin, you’d have seen the value of your investment soar more than 1,000% – to unthinkable highs.

Of course, back then there were sceptics trying to shoot down bitcoin’s massive potential. There still are today.

Back in late 2014, after I made my prediction on Fox, Niall Ferguson, author of a book about the history of currency called “The Ascent of Money,” ignored his teenage son’s advice to buy bitcoin.

At the time, he later said that he believed there was no “…use for a form of currency based on blockchain technology.” Ferguson now considers that the worst investment decision he’s ever made.

The same year I made my prediction, American economist Nouriel Roubini called bitcoin a “Ponzi scheme” and a “conduit for criminal/illegal activities.”

In 2017, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, famously called bitcoin a “fraud.” Until he reversed course. Now JPMorgan has developed its own cryptocurrency called JPM Coin to be used in its international wholesale payments business, worth some $6 trillion each day.

Here’s how things played out…

On December 17, 2017, bitcoin reached its all-time peak – to date – of $20,089. That’s a run of 3,035% over 41 months!

The price has been on a roller coaster since, falling through much of 2018, only to return strong in 2019.

Last year, the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap – including bitcoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash – outperformed the S&P 500, gold, and oil, according to CoinDesk.

Bitcoin climbed 92% in 2019, compared to the S&P 500’s 29% increase.

So far this year, cryptos have mostly outperformed, but things are about to get better in a big way.

We’ve spent the last few days talking about the upcoming event called the “halvening” and how bitcoin surged the last two times it happened. We’ve talked about how altcoins rocketed even higher.

I’m about to make another major call on cryptocurrencies, and I urge you to listen in. It’s coming up Wednesday night at 7 p.m. ET.

A specific set of catalysts is lining up in the space, and we don’t have much time to spare if we want to get in at the right time. I’m talking weeks.

We are heading rapidly toward the first major investing event of the decade, and the profit potential for smart investors who get in early is massive. We’ve seen it before, and all indications say we’re about to see it again.

You don’t want to miss out. I’ll have all the details for you Wednesday night at the 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit: Last Call. It’s free to attend. All you have to do is click here to secure your spot.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt argues which is the better asset class – gold or crypto. He also provides a complete overview of the market, including how it is holding up through the pandemic, and discusses the best way to profit amid the volatility. This is an episode you don’t want to miss, as Matt touches on a ton of stock tickers and much more.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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