The Portfolio “Insurance” that Can Also Make You a Lot of Money

Insurance has been referred to as a “necessary evil.”

And for good reason.

We pay money – sometimes a lot of money – but hope we never have to use it.

Seems crazy, but on the rare occasion we do need it, we’re glad we have it. The right insurance can save us a lot of money… and even save us from financial ruin.

But… wouldn’t it be better to be able to get insurance that protects our investments and can make us a lot of money?

Now we’re talking. Here’s what you need to know…

Inflation is a silent portfolio killer. It is one of the greatest dangers a person saving for retirement faces.

That’s why I recommend owning some “insurance” against it – just in case things go haywire. This is especially important right now with government stimulus all around the world.

One of the best inflation insurance policies is a newer one, and one you might not expect. Cryptocurrencies. I’m talking about bitcoin, yes, but even more about altcoins, the alternative cryptos to their larger counterpart.

This is a “best of all worlds” kind of insurance that provides protection and profits.

Just look at bitcoin’s performance this year compared to other major asset classes:

I want you to focus on that last column. As you can see, bitcoin has blown away everything else this year. It has outperformed gold by more than 3X, the S&P 500 by more than 700X, and the dollar by more than 9X. Crude oil is in a whole other universe right now.

And we’re still early in the game. I believe bitcoin has the potential to reach $100,000 – or grow more than 10X – by the end of 2021.

Part of this expectation has to do with the insurance part of cryptocurrencies. I expect investors around the world will turn more and more to cryptos as a hedge against possible inflation brought on by massive amounts of “money printing.”

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world have been forced to inject trillions of dollars in stimulus to soften damage from global business shutdowns.

In doing so, they are increasing the supply of money. For example, the M2 money supply in the U.S. – which includes all cash and checking deposits, securities, mutual funds, and other deposits – recently soared to $18.1 trillion, up 15% since March.

That rapid influx of money into the system hasn’t resulted in inflation… yet. But it could.

Increasing money supply means there are more dollars chasing the same amount of goods, so prices rise. I expect money supply to increase even more if the U.S. government boosts its total stimulus package to more than $10 trillion by the end of this year.

So how are cryptocurrencies an insurance policy against inflation?

It’s quite simple: supply. Gold is the classic inflation hedge because of its finite supply. Bitcoin offers the same advantage – perhaps even more – because the supply of new coins coming onto the market is falling.

Only 21 million bitcoins will ever be created. Period. End of story. It’s hard coded and can’t be changed. Nearly 90% of those have already been mined, and it’s expected to take another 120 years to mine the remaining 2.5 million coins.

That’s because the number of bitcoins rewarded for mining new blocks keeps getting cut in half through “halvenings”… which are also hard coded. On May 11, bitcoin’s third halvening took place. Demand should at least hold steady if not increase as cryptos go mainstream, creating the perfect recipe for a “supply shock” that has historically sent prices into the stratosphere.

After the prior two halvenings, bitcoin and select altcoins surged triple digits in the 12 to 18 months that followed. In some situations, they climbed four and five digits!

All indications are that this third halvening will produce the same result. That’s why we launched our Ultimate Crypto portfolio of altcoins earlier this year, and prices are already on the move.

Since we started on January 7, three of our altcoins have doubled… and two others are up nearly 45%. The average return is 45% – in just six months!

Our strongest performer – which has climbed more than 120% – is a groundbreaking smart contract leader.

Getting in early is key to making life-changing changing profits. The good news is that it’s still early enough that massive gains remain ahead.

P.S. To help identify the most valuable coins, my research team and I created our proprietary “MAG System” – McCall’s Altcoin Grading System.

This system analyzes 10 critical attributes of every altcoin, from the addressable market size to the quality of the team behind it.

Our system has already helped us uncover 11 select altcoins that I believe have massive 10X potential over the long term. Like the one that recently “uplisted” to a major crypto exchange owned by the billionaire Winklevoss brothers… something only bitcoin, Ethereum, and a few others have accomplished.

I believe it could soar 10-fold or more from current prices. Click here to learn more about the system and how to find out the name and ticker symbol.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt talks about Friday’s surprising jobs number, which triggered a massive rally that pushed the Nasdaq 100 to all-time highs. He discusses what all of that means for the market. Matt also provides an update on the companies working on COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. He touches on crypto, retail stocks, the market’s quick recovery, and more.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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