FB vs. TWTR: Facebook and Twitter In a Race for Global Gains


Can Facebook beat Twitter for a global audience?

A new study shows that while unease has already begun with Facebook (FB) in the U.S., Indians are increasingly ramping up their social networking time, with a 37% increase in Facebook and Twitter (TWTR).

And it’s not just there: More developing countries are logging in to social media more than ever.

So as both Facebook and Twitter push for new users, this global audience may just be the deciding factor on the success of FB stock and TWTR stock.

FB vs. TWTR: A Global Fight

The research firm eMarketer notes that India may become the largest user of social media by 2016  — passing the US’s current 147 million users. And it notes that the less developed countries will be a huge boom area for both social media powerhouses.

Users are also increasing in other areas, such as Indonesia and Mexico.

From Financial Express:

India, with the highest growth this year, will increase user numbers by 37.4 per cent, while Indonesia’s numbers will climb 28.7 per cent and Mexico will grow its social network user base by 21.1 per cent.

All three of those countries are also high-growth areas for Facebook, the world’s largest social network, which eMarketer estimates will reach a worldwide monthly user base of 1.026 billion this year.

…Currently, the highest penetration of social network users as a share of total population occurs in the Netherlands, where 63.5 per cent of all residents are social network users; Norway follows just behind at 63.3 per cent.

Attracting users in other countries is what both companies are striving for, with each vying for new users on a global level.

With more than 70% of Twitter accounts coming from outside the US, this bodes well for TWTR continuing its global growth.

Twitter has already been establishing itself as more of a global news brand, with Tweets on breaking news developments leading the way for users to instantly get the latest updates. Each month, some 200 million users turn to Twitter for these types of events, including updates on everything from the Olympics to Pope Benedict sending Tweets in different languages.

TWTR’s recent hiring of its news director was seen by many as further establishing itself in this arena.

While Facebook remains a dominant US fixture, what’s popular in the US has no bearing on what’s going to be popular in other countries, especially as Twitter is increasingly used by those looking for that even quicker connection.

FB is up 74% year to date. TWTR is down 7% since its opening day.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2013/11/fb-vs-twtr-facebook-stock-twitter-stock/.

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