How old is too old to trick or treat?
With Halloween approaching, the question of how old is too old to trick or treat is going to come up. There’s never really been a specified age limit on the celebration, but it could get a little awkward for some people after a certain age and older trick or treaters may not be well received by those handing out candy.
In an effort to answer the question of how old is too old to trick or treat, has posted a survey asking its readers for their opinions on the matter. The top answer is Never with 29% of the votes. The next highest answer is a tie between 12 and 13 with both having 15% of the votes.
Fox 6 Now is also asking visitors on its website to vote on how old is too old to trick or treat. Never also holds the top ranking in this poll with about 34% of the votes. 13 is in second place in the poll with 17% and 15 comes next with 14% of the votes.
If you’re looking for a popular Halloween costume this year, this list has the most popular costumes for kids and adults this year.
If those costumes are a little too high end, here’s a list of cheap Halloween costumes for 2015.
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