Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

A Sip of SodaStream: ETF Alternatives For Hot Stock Picks

This week, we look at ETF alternatives for dividend stocks, Israel, energy, retail, consumer staples and BDC stocks.

Muni Bonds’ Appeal Has Just Gotten Broader

Municipal bonds now offer extremely attractive after-tax yields even for those in the 25% and 28% tax brackets. How will this impact the outlook for munis?

3 Funds to Cash In on an Oil Boom

Oil and gas stocks have gotten a boost in 2013, but rather than risk getting burned on an individual pick, consider energy ETFs.

Gold’s Bad and Silver’s Worse, But …

The iShares Silver Trust (SLV) and the SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) have been a train wreck of late, but this is why you might want to go shopping now.

Are SPDRs Truly Your Best Sector Bet?

SPDRs are usually investors' first choice for sector ETFs, but an equal-weighted approach has provided a better "pure play" -- and higher historical returns.

3 Top ETFs to Play the Recovery in Europe

Heavy exposure to regional markets has small-cap stocks poised to outperform in an economic recovery in Europe.

A Good Deal on Groupon: ETF Alternatives for Hot Stock Picks

This week we look at ETF alternatives for social media, consumer discretionary, consumer staples and dividend stocks.

5 Dividend ETFs That Provide Safety for the Long Haul

These 5 dividend ETFs are a great way to collect cash without the risk that comes with picking individual stocks.

Should You Flee Emerging Market ETFs?

August saw huge emerging market ETF outflows. But following the crowd here could mean you're losing out on long-term growth -- even if it is high-risk.

Gold Miners Get Their Second Wind, But …

Why are the mining stocks so much hotter than gold itself, and more important, how much further might gold mining equities climb before topping out? As is always the case, that depends.

Have a Small Sip of Starbucks: ETF Alternatives for Hot Stock Picks

This week we look at ways to get exposure to Starbucks, spinoffs, small-caps, IPOs and transportation stocks via ETFs.

Wait for the Turn in Emerging Markets

Emerging markets have had an abysmal year in 2013, but when they recover, they could outpace domestic stocks.

3 Battered ETFs. 1 Fund Worth Saving.

Three big-name defensive sectors have been lagging the market in a big way for months, but one is worth picking up off the ground right now.

2 Energy ETFs to Benefit From Global Uncertainty

The growing potential for conflict in Syria is a boon to the oil and energy sectors, and investors can benefit through these 2 ETS

Invest Exotically With Multi-Asset Income Funds

Multi-asset income funds provide high yields, long-term capital appreciation, diversity and low volatility. If done right, anyway.

How to Profit From Every Biotech Buyout

Amgen's acquisition of Onyx underscores the fact that one simple biotech investment may also be the best one.

4 Reasons to Ride Regional Banks Right Now

Broad stock strength across the regional banks, as well as short squeeze potential and analyst lag, could fuel the KRE.

Retail ETFs Dodge the Sector’s Bloodbath

Big-name retailers have been dropping left and right on earnings, but the sector's funds have hardly blinked. What gives?

REITs: Catch the Falling Knife, But Use Gloves

REIT funds are sitting near 52-week lows ... so if you believe like I do that most of the big interest-rate moves have been made, consider it bargain-buying time.