Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

Why AMJ Is Unlikely to Go Nuclear

JPMorgan has capped the issuance of AMJ, but this doesn't mean the ETN will suffer the same type of collapse as TVIX and GAZ.

Frontier Markets: The New Emerging Markets?

The global slowdown has places like Vietnam, Turkey and Colombia looking more attractive. And they could actually help take some risk out of your portfolio.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

We take a look at how to tuck some of last week's top stock picks -- including REITs and railroads -- into better bundles through ETFs.

New ETFs Tap Alt Energy, Accelerated Growth

An oil-sands fund and a leveraged ETN came to market last week. Here's what you can expect from the newest entrants in the category.

Hard Hat Area: Falling BRICs

The structural bull market in emerging-market countries is far from over despite a weak quarter. Here's where opportunity lies.

4 ETFs for the Coming Energy Boom

Energy and oil prices are down, but the bulls are starting to move in on stocks that may look underpriced. Here is a way to play the sector with ETF's.

Get Down & Dirty With the New Oil Sands ETF

The Sustainable North American Oil Sands ETF: It looks like a direct play on unconventional energy, but in reality, it's somewhat watered down.

5 Keys to Trading Closed-End Funds

Closed-end funds offer advantages to open-end funds, and investors who look through these five keys will have a better grasp on the investment opportunities

5 Short ETFs to Buy Now

Market confusion and fear is crossing the Atlantic from the eurozone, and investors would be wise to play these five short etf's as a hedge against the market

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

Here are some excellent ETF alternatives to the airline, technology, coffee and solar stocks that our writers discussed last week

Another New ETF Targets ‘Smart Money’

The Top Guru Holdings ETF is the second to track hedge fund buys. Also out last week is a fund aimed at giving investors access to a broad range of commodities.

ETFs: What Are You Really Buying?

When exchange-traded funds get really niche, some stretch to provide a range of holdings. Here's a look at some of the oddball holdings in ETFs.

The Troubling Evolution of Exchange-Traded ‘Products’

The exchange-traded products category has morphed in ways that can be extremely risky -- and worse, they can mislead uninformed investors into very unwise purchases.

Why They Should Learn Mandarin in Australia

The intensifying Aussie-Sino trade relationship offers numerous investment opportunities to bank on Chinese growth.

Income Hunters Buoyed ETF Flows in May

Despite the markets' hemorrhaging in May, massive inflows to fixed-income funds helped ETFs stick around April's record assets.

SPDR S&P Homebuilders ETF Is Rebuilding Its Battered Reputation

Rather than ditching homebuilders at the first sign of trouble, they have been treated like a hedge. If Europe's woes continue, XHB could be a beneficiary.

Where’s the Line in the Sand for This Selloff?

The Select Sector Energy SPDR might be the most important security to help you determine how long this market correction can continue.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

This week, we look at dividends, social media, utilities, IPOs and ... more dividends. Defense seems to be the best offense at this point in the markets.

New Bond ETF Has You Covered

But with the safety that comes with covered bonds, just don't expect a high payout from COBO. It has an average yield to maturity of a mere 1.5%.