ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

Finding ETF Success on Twitter

StockTwits has become a social media success for investors. Using its StockTwits 50 list, this portfolio of ETFs seeks to replicate the list's stock picks.

5 Beaten-Down ETF Buying Opportunities

The market continues to rally and gain momentum, but these five ETFs haven't joined in -- yet. But they have the potential to stage a rally of their own.

Feeling Bearish? Try These 3 ETFs

If you think the bloom is off the bull market, there are a host of ways to use these inverse ETFs depending on your strategy.

The Triumphs (and Troubles) of Trebles

3x leveraged ETFs have put up some big numbers so far, for better or for worse -- and they also tell a pretty accurate tale of 2012's first quarter.

4 Biotech ETFs for a Healthy Portfolio

The sector is coming back strong, and a diversified ETF is the best way to play it.

Volatility ETN Rears Its Ugly Head

The TVIX's recent rapid descent provides a valuable lesson about the dangers of ETNs and other volatility-tracking products.

Plenty of Flavor in Tiny Batch of New ETFs

Among a small batch of new ETFs launched last week are a 'fair and balanced' Nasdaq 100 and a leveraged play on real estate.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

With the S&P 500 experiencing only its second losing week of the year, it's a good time to be talking about alternatives to individual stocks.

Volatility Oddities Could Impact Broad Market

Interest in volatility products continues to grow despite low levels in the VIX.

5 Flaws of Target-Date Retirement Funds

The popularity of target-date funds inside 401(k) plans is soaring. But these types of retirement funds have major flaws that are being overlooked.

4 Hot Latin American ETFs for Your Portfolio

While GDP growth among Latin American countries might be slowing, it still should continue at a decent clip. These 4 ETFs offer exposure throughout the region.

How to Buy Apple for Nowhere Near $600

These five ETFs have huge AAPL holdings, giving you good exposure to one of the hottest stocks ever at a fraction of the price of the stock itself.

ETF Alternatives for the Week of March 12-16

These ETF funds allow you to own last week's hottest stocks -- while also achieving greater diversification.

4 New ETFs: They’re All About Income

Last week's launches aimed straight at the income-investing crowd -- and included both equity funds of high dividend payers and a high-yield bond fund.

Bill Gross Talks up TRXT, the Total Return ETF

Bill Gross is talking up the Total Return ETF after a couple weeks of trading. That's a small sample size, but investors have other reasons to believe in TRXT.

ETF Prices: How Low Can They Go?

As the world of exchange-traded funds continues to bloat, Vanguard, State Street and BlackRock are cutting expense ratios to get a leg up.

Apple at the Center of the Large-Cap Forest

Large-cap growth stocks are significantly outperforming their value counterparts this year -- and Apple (AAPL) has had a pretty loud say in it.

Broker Stocks Signal Return of Retail Investor

It's only a matter of time before the retail public starts to really believe that 2012 is a year of reflation.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

Here are some excellent ETF alternatives for the retail, technology, industrial and generally blue-chip stocks that InvestorPlace writers discussed.