Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

2012’s Best Gold Play Might Be Miners

While gold should ride the reflationary wave of 2012, equities probably will do better. Investors could split the difference by playing gold through miners.

Buy Apple — or Try Buying the Bushel

It's hard to argue against buying Apple stock, but if you want to play it safe, a fund tracking the Nasdaq can put plenty of Apple in your portfolio.

Tech ETFs That Put Microsoft in Your Porfolio

For many investors, the tech sector is a must-have. These funds will give you a stake in Microsoft and other great tech names as well.

Buy Exxon — Through Vanguard or Fidelity

By merit of Exxon Mobil's position in the S&P 500, index-trackers might be among the best ways to get a piece of XOM.

Don’t Tap Germany Through the Bund Fund

The new ProShares German debt ETF makes it easier to get into the bund market -- but it doesn't make it a worthwhile investment.

Bill Gross’ Total Return ETF: What’s All the Hoopla About?

PIMCO's Bill Gross is bringing his Total Return flavor to U.S. exchanges -- and there's plenty of reasons to like what TRXT will offer.

Emerging-Market ETFs Take Off

Many emerging-market ETFs are surging by double digits so far this year. South Africa, Taiwan, China, Russia, Brazil, India, and South Korea offer buys.

5 Market-Trouncing ETFs You Might Be Surprised By

These five funds have flown under the radar while trouncing the S&P in the past three months.

The High-Yield Treasure Hunt Leads to Closed-End Funds

A look at the world of closed-end funds, including what to look for and a few you should consider adding to your portfolio.

Hedge Your Portfolio by Playing De-fense! De-fense!

Pick up your three big defensive weapons -- consumer staples, utilities and dividends -- through individual stocks or even exchange-traded funds.

3 Hot Alternative Income ETFs

Real estate investment trusts and master limited partnerships are heavy-duty income stocks -- harness them and others through these three ETFs.

Why the Fed’s Low Rates Led to Higher Rates

Here's why the effect of Bernanke & Co's. extended low-rate pledge was to trigger inflation fears, which sent long rates up.

Utility ETFs: Nothing Stodgy About Dividends

If the fragile rebound falters and more exciting plays stall or worsen, you'll be glad you have the dividend income.

The Best ETFs To Stand In for Duke

If you're thinking of investing in Duke Energy, a popular S&P 500 utility stock, you may want to consider these ETF alternatives instead.

Ignore Short-Term Noise in the Energy Sector

Just ignore the day-to-day noise and tap these ETFs to make long-term profits as energy prices steadily head higher.

If You Must Own Media, Get It in an ETF

There are so many better places to put your money than media. But if you must, ETFs will give you your media fix and a little diversification, too.

Safer Than a Dividend Stock? A Dividend ETF

The answer: A dividend ETF. See why this SDY fund is a versatile and diversified way to pick up income.

ETF Alternatives to Buying GE Directly

Here are some popular ETFs that hold GE as one of their top stocks. You'll reduce your risk and quite possibly, improve your returns.

XLV Provides a Healthy Dose of Pfizer

If the health care sector is a must-have for your portfolio, and Pfizer is at the top of that list -- here's a way to get a healthier dose.