Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

LEAPS for the Leap Year: 3 Covered Calls for 2016

Prepare for another volatile year in the markets with this trio of covered calls that will hedge your broad-market holdings.

Profit From the Chinese Stock Market Rout – Buy the Asian Tigers

The selloff in the chinese stock market could be leveraged to buy into the Asian Tigers that are trading cheaper and safer to own.

3 Must-Own Dividend ETFs

Even if the Fed bumps rates up to 1.25% by the end of 2016, these dividend ETFs are still a great selection for income investors.

The 10 Best Index Funds for 2016 … And Beyond!

The 10 best index funds for 2016 may not be sexy, but provide diversified investments for the long term. That means big profits over time.

Watch These 5 ETF Winners in 2016

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are simply booming. These 5 ETFs soared in 2015, and could easily carry over as big winners into the new year

3 “Happy New Year” ETFs to Buy for Huge Growth

Unwarranted bearishness and strong technicals make these three ETFs good bets for the New Year.

How to Profit from Rising Volatility (VIX, VIXY, VXX)

Stock market volatility is often portrayed by the mainstream media as an enemy. Here's how prudent investors use that volatility for gain...

6 Index Funds You Can Buy for a Song

Low costs are one of the primary reasons advisors and investors have increasing their ETF usage. These index funds offer some of the lowest.

The 7 Best ETFs to Buy for 2016

The market's best ETF picks for 2016 are going to have an eye toward rising interest rates or dealing with volatility. Here are next year's top picks.

SPY: Get Ready to Buy the Stock Market on the Dips

Historical data and fundamentals suggest that despite the impending fed rate hike, the stock market -- and SPY -- have not peaked.

3 Energy ETFs to Play a Rebound in Oil Prices

Predicting the bottom in the stunning fall in crude oil prices isn't easy, but savvy investors are taking positions in energy ETFs.

Geopolitical Warning: Should You Sell or Short Emerging Markets in 2016?

Sell or short emerging markets. The money is moving the wrong way and there's too much risk.

3 Ways to Make Bank on Homebuilder ETFs in 2016

Homebuilders are set to gain as existing homes inventories fall while the Fed's rate hike will make mortgages cheaper.

3 Goldman Sachs ETFs to Spruce Up Your Portfolio

Goldman Sachs is a prestigious name and its ETFs have enjoyed rapid success, but investors should not make decisions based on brand recognition alone.

Shorts Sink Their Teeth Into Solar Stocks — Is This a Squeeze Opportunity? (TAN)

With their fate tied to oil prices, it's hard to see a strong rebound coming for solar stocks (and solar ETFs) without movement on that front.

3 S&P 500 ETF Alternatives for Your Portfolio

From funds offering better returns to those with lower expenses, there are scores of alternatives to S&P 500 ETFs.

The 3 Best ETFs If You Love Defense Stocks

If the U.S. is headed toward an increase in defense spending, these ETFs investing in defense stocks are worth a close look.

The 6 Best ETFs for Tapping Into Healthcare Stocks

Ignore the short-term pain in healthcare stocks. Investors looking for long-term returns should be in one or more of these six healthcare ETFs.

Emerging Markets: Buying Opportunity or Trap?

Emerging markets stocks have collapsed in recent months, but poor fundamentals indicate that an opportunity is not yet at hand.