Join Us March 13th @ 1 pm ET BEFORE Nvidia’s “Q-Day”

In 2016 Louis Navellier made a big prediction regarding Nvidia’s GPUs... It went up more than 7,000% at its peak. Don’t miss Louis NEXT Nvidia call. (Plus 6 stocks you need to own before March 20th.)

Thu, March 13 at 10:00AM ET

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are necessary investments for investors both young and old. They provide essential diversification and can strengthen your returns over the long-term. But there are too many funds for any single investor to sift through. Luckily, our analysts give you the inside track on funds with the smallest minimal investments and funds that charge low fees, so you can maximize your performance.

Mutual Fund Active Management is Back – Sorta

Inflows are up for both passive and active management mutual funds, and down for the laggards of 2013.

The Best Mutual Funds of 2013

The best mutual funds of 2013 span several different market sectors and geographic areas, including healthcare, tech and Japanese stocks.

3 Small-Cap Mutual Funds Primed for Growth

Don't stick your neck out for individual small-caps -- harness their explosive potential via these much safer mutual funds.

5 Weird Mutual Funds Worth Your Investment

Most mutual funds use some kind of industry-standard stock selection methodology. A few like to do their own thing. Here are four worth considering.

Vanguard Fund Managers Dropping Like Flies

Is Vanguard in revolt? I don’t believe so. Let’s call this evolution, rather than revolution.

Save on Taxes, Help Others With These 3 Donor-Advised Funds

For investors that are looking for a useful, timely way to cut their tax bill, donor-advised funds might be just the ticket.

Lower Your Expectations as Mutual Fund Performance Soars

With October now past, five-year returns for mutual funds no longer include the losses of October 2008. Don't be fooled by misleading numbers.

Vanguard STAR – The Simple Solution, But Not the Right One

Life-cycle funds like Vanguard STAR promise diversification and low risk…but along with that comes low returns.

Vanguard Total Stock Market: The World’s New Favorite Fund

We take a look at Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSMX) -- the Vanguard fund that kicked Pimco Total Return to the curb.

Vanguard Wellington – Strong Returns from Diversification

Ed Bousa offers his best ideas in an undiluted fashion through Vanguard Wellington Fund.

Vanguard REIT ETF – High Yield, High Risk

Real estate funds like Vanguard REIT ETF offer a wild ride, even when combined with a global diversifying fund.

Vanguard Total Stock Market Index’s AUM Passed Pimco’s Long Ago

A recent article stated that assets under management at Vanguard's Total Stock Market Index Fund surpassed Pimco's similar fund, but the 'news' is both wrong and wrong-headed.

3 Best Mutual Funds for Stingy Retirees

Retirees looking for steady, generous income and low risk too often pay punishingly high fees. These low-risk income funds can't be beat on price.

3 Winning Mutual Funds From ‘Super Mario’

Investors looking for a fundamental, disciplined approach to value investing should consider these three mutual funds under the watch of Mario Gabelli.

Vanguard Funds – Cutting Costs and Cleaning House with Mergers

Vanguard is streamlining its underperforming funds with mergers, and opening up low-cost Admiral shares to a wider audience.

Get Global Exposure Now, Debt Ceiling or Not

It always makes sense to have international exposure, regardless of the debt ceiling or other political calamity. Get that exposure via Vanguard's VWIGX.

2 Balanced Funds for Uncertain Times

Growth is go-go this year, but these Fidelity and Oakmark balanced fund offerings are the perfect holdings for times of tumult.

Mutual Funds: Winners and Losers for Q3

The third quarter of 2013 saw some big moves in mutual funds, spurred by small-cap success, among other factors. Of course, it also saw some duds.

New Low-Volatility Fund at Vanguard

Low volatility and global exposure -- sounds great, but funds with this strategy have not had a chance to prove themselves in a down market.