Charts & Technical Analysis

5 Ways to Tell a Stock Is Headed Up

The charts never lie. Learn how to identify five bullish chart patterns that indicate a stock is about to take off.

S&P’s Loud ‘Buy’ Signal Has Crummy Timing

Investors aren't ready to believe that the Golden Cross is pointing to a market rally, but it is. Just resist the urge to react at the first sign of trouble.

Low Volatility Favors Investors Right Now

With a low VIX, should you worry that other investors aren't worried, or be comforted by their confidence?

2 Potential Problems Facing Pipeline MLPs

Pipeline MLPs are great investments, but popularity comes at a price. Here are a couple of potential problems shareholders should monitor.

12 Energy Stock Charts to Watch

These dozen stocks are all headed toward 52-week highs, and keeping an eye on future breakouts can help you plan your next trades. Here's what to watch.

Volatility: Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are

Looking at the current historical volatility measures, the comparisons would indicate that the VIX has more room to drop.

Give Home Depot, Lowe’s Some Space

Both home improvement retailers are a bit overbought, and while a crash isn't necessarily in the cards, underlying fundamental economic trends need to catch up.

10-Year Cyclicals Revealed in Treasuries?

To follow aluminum, coal, steel and nonferrous metals, just watch the 10-year Treasury -- it has been tracking these sectors tightly over the past year.

Watch S&P’s 200-Day Moving Average Like a Hawk

Watch this signal like a hawk. How this line breaks could determine whether bear or bull comes next.

Gold Has Further to Fall — Before It Can Rally

Gold was expected to finally stop its bleeding at at $1,548 per ounce, but a more severe drop is likely still to come. And as crazy as it sounds, that may be a good thing.

7 Most Dramatic Market Charts of 2011

Sometimes, a simple chart is a more effective storyteller than scores of artfully written articles. Here are seven compelling market charts that describe 2011.

Top Charts to Watch in the First Quarter

These 19 stocks are within striking distance of their 52-week highs, with the potential to outperform if the market strengthens in the months ahead.

Why It’s Time to Buy Options Again

This time of year you might want to get a flu shot for your portfolio so you aren’t susceptible to the annual "bull fever" epidemic.

Don’t Get Too Excited About Tuesday’s Romp

Investors shouldn't take too much comfort in Tuesday's big market rally. Mediocre market volume, breadth and depth point toward a hollow win.

Gold Is Sick, But Hardly Dead

Gold prices could fall a lot more and still be in a broad uptrend. And when the gold dust settles, the stage will be set for a renewed rally.

Welcome to the ‘Volatility Vortex’

Trying to find logic and order in 'Gap Land' borders on impossible sometimes.

Did the Thanksgiving Rally Start Late, or Did Santa Come Early?

Options in the December cycle tend to be the most overpriced of the year, regardless of broader market activity.

How You Should Play a Refining Relief Rally

Refining stocks have been taken to the woodshed over the past week -- but a few of these are oversold and could rocket on changes in oil spreads.

Stay Safe in a Volatile Market

Because the VIX moves in opposition to the market, that says we want to go long when VIX gets overbought.