Charts & Technical Analysis

Investors Beware: Oil Equipment Stocks Are Tapped Out

These three stocks demonstrate a downward trend in the oil equipment industry.

Choppy Market Lacks Momentum – Meaning Bulls Still Have a Chance

Technical analysis charts show weakness in financials and oil service stocks, but the market isn't dead yet.

Financials, Tech Look Ready to Rise

Market charts indicate coming turnaround of Financial Select SPDR (NYSE: XLF) and Technology Select SPDR (NYSE: XLK).

Sidelines May be Best Spot for Traders

Charts in S&P Index Options (CBOE: SPX) and Financial Select SPDR (NYSE: XLF) show dangerous and volatile markets for most traders.

Get Greenbacks With Herbalife Options

A covered call options strategy works for Herbalife (NYSE: HLF) as it moves sideways.

Quick Bounce Here Offers Profit Taking

Technical indicators suggest the S&P 500 Index will rise short term but possibly soon falter.

Watch the S&P 500 to Test its Lows

Charts indicate the S&P 500 Index (CBOE: SPX) could test its lows of and drive below 1,250.

Market Getting Close to a Bounce

Bottoms are forming in the market, indicating a bounce is due in the SPDR Financial Sector ETF (NYSE: XLF), S&P 500 Index.

Get Ready for a Stock Bounce Then …

Market charts indicate the stock market has nearly hit bottom while gold and silver are near a top.

Key S&P 500 Level Shaping Up at 1295

Watch the S&P 500 Index (CBOE: SPX), the financial XLF, iShares Russell 2000 (NYSE: IWM), and the Dow Jones Transportation Average ETF (NYSE: IYT) for market direction.

Charts Show Market on the Brink of a Bearish Move

Charts show that the S&P 500 is dangerously close to breaking through its support, signaling another spiral of bearish declines.

Support Will Follow Panic Sell Off

Technical indicators suggest buyers will soon appear following the 280-point sell off in the stock market.

Charts Show Market at Key Inflection Point

Technical analysis of the markets show a major move up or down after the Memorial Day holiday.

Gold and Silver Look to Rally

Investors should see a rally in silver through the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV) and in gold through the SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD).

Market Near Tipping Point

Stock market charts and extreme trader positions suggest a big market move is brewing.

Retracement of Metals Starts Now

Use options to profit from the rally in precious metal proxies like the SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD) and the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV).

Inept Fed Creates Commodity Bubble

Market charts indicate Federal Reserve policies will bring inflation, higher interest rates and a recession.

Stocks Keep Rising as Dollar Dips

The decline in the U.S. Dollar has sent equities and commodities trading higher.

Gold, Stocks Rally but Pullback Looks Likely

Technical indicators suggest a pullback in the stock market, but buying may continue later.