Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

Best Retirement Investing Strategies

Our financial professionals provide investors who are concerned with their retirement the savviest, most actionable advice to live their best financial life. Whether it’s teaching young investors how to invest in their company’s 401k plan, covering the bond market or ranking Vanguard’s target-date funds, we’ll file it here.

Invest Like Nate Silver

Nate Silver provided data-driven analysis of the presidential election -- his focus is a useful road map for investors.

Dividend Investors: Don’t Panic!

The election is over, and investors' thoughts have turned to tax code changes. If you find yourself panicking, take a deep breath -- and this advice.

Protect Yourself From a Lopsided 401(k)

Funds with different flavors often have a lot of overlapping stocks, which can leave you paying double for less diversity than you were hoping for.

5 Post-Sandy Planning Tips for Retirees

Using disaster planning before a storm can make all the difference in minimizing the anxiety associated with its aftermath.

Don’t Risk Your IRA on Greed

IRAs are a great tool for retirement, but they also can be used to facilitate speculative investments -- and oftentimes, that'll get you burned.

Do and Don’t Retirement Tips from the Pros

An outstanding article in Washingtonian magazine on retirement planning provides some very helpful "Words of Wisdom" and "Pricey Mistakes."

The 10 Commandments of Retirement Investing: Part II

Sometimes, oldies are goodies. That's the case for these last five of 10 investing rules from years ago still can ably guide retirement planners.

The 10 Commandments of Retirement Investing: Part I

Sometimes, oldies are goodies. That's the case for these first five of 10 investing rules from years ago still can ably guide retirement planners.

Work Till You Drop: It’s Not as Bad as You Think

Media gives working into your 80s a bad rap. But, in fact, it's our whole concept of 'retirement' that needs rethinking.

Retirement Investing Lessons from Apple

Apple's drop from $700 to $600 is a point of remorse for many investors -- but also the basis of an important lesson for people actively taking control of their retirement.

What Is a Price-Weighted Index?

IBM and Intel both dropped similarly after Tuesday's earnings reports, but they'll have wildly different effects on the Dow Jones. Here's why.

5 Ways to Invest $10,000 Now

Getting started isn't nearly as tough as you may think. And remember: Not all investments have to be in the capital markets.

Avoiding the Market Is Not a Sane Strategy

Baby boomers are shunning stocks at the wrong time. The longer they're out of the market, the harder it is to get back in. That's killing retirement savings.

Making the Most of a Smaller Retirement Porfolio

You don't to be loaded already to make good money. It takes a little bit more work, but retirement is still workable with some smart decisions.

Retirement Lessons to Learn From Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme

The Bernie Madoff scandal provides some tips for investors about avoiding a catastrophic end to your hard-earned retirement money.

Social Media and Investing Fraud: What You Need to Know

Social media has many benefits, but there is plenty of danger lurking out there as well -- including investment fraud. Here's how to avoid it.

9 Major Retirement Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Feathering your nest egg is no easy task, but making these blunders can make it even more difficult. Here's a list of nine things not to do.

The 6 Rules of Penny Stock Investing

Investing in penny stocks are a good way to really hit an investment out of the park, but it's definitely risky. Follow these six steps for success.

From the NFL: Game-Winning Investing Strategies

‘Playing the situation’ -- such as when you're creeping closer to retirement -- can pay off on the field – and in your portfolio.