Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

Best Retirement Investing Strategies

Our financial professionals provide investors who are concerned with their retirement the savviest, most actionable advice to live their best financial life. Whether it’s teaching young investors how to invest in their company’s 401k plan, covering the bond market or ranking Vanguard’s target-date funds, we’ll file it here.

Get Ready for Higher Interest Rates

As inflation takes hold, central banks could raise interest rates from rock bottom levels soon.

5 ETFs Investors Could Do Without

ETF fund investing is full of options, but that can confuse many folks. Killing these 5 funds will make things easier on investors.

Hedge Against Inflation With These 5 Global Mutual Funds

Global mutual funds and emerging markets mutual fund investing can often involve currency plays - as in these 5 investments.

Time to Think Options, Taxes and IRAs

With April 15 coming, investors should consider whether to trade options through their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA). Many brokers allow it.

5 Best Mutual Funds They Won’t Let You Buy

Closed end mutual funds or fund options with high expenses are out of reach for most 401k investors.

5 Popular Mutual Funds That Shouldn’t Be

Some of the most popular and widely held fund investments shouldn't be, at least based on performance.

Buy The Dip or Run Screaming? This Indicator Knows

Whether Tuesday's correction is an overbought rally crashing or a buying opportunity, the best stock market indicators to guide us in the days ahead is PercentR.

5 Keys to Success in a Stock Picker’s Market

Being a stock picker in today's market doesn't require hot tips or inside stock picking information, just a logical mind and these five simple tips to help you pickers out there.

5 Mutual Funds That Will Kill Your 401k Nest Egg

Even with professional 401k plan management, mutual funds can be quite risky and bad mutual fund investments can sink your retirement strategy.

Best Mutual Fund Investments They Won’t Let You Buy

Some mutual funds have closed their doors to new investors recently, but why are there closed mutual fund investmens at all and what makes a fund manager close his doors to new money?

Four Funds to Play the Commodities Boom

Many think exchange-traded fund investments or ETFs are near perfect, but when it comes to commodities then mutual funds win.

Are Target Date Retirement Funds Good For Your 401k?

Mutual funds with a projected retirement date attached have been sold as a panacea to people saving and investing for retirement via a 401k, IRA or brokerage account. But are they?

3 Tips for a Less Confusing 401k

Mutual fund investing in your 401k plan can be confusing, but here are 3 tips to help.

How the ‘New Normal’ Got Worse

New problems in state and municipal finances, as well as the prolonged strain on the housing market, have added more stress for investors and individuals planning for retirement.

Top Funds for Your 2011 401k

Here six of the best mutual funds and ETFs you should have in your 401k as we begin the New Year.

Why Best 2010 Stocks May Flop in 2011

A look at stock market data shows the best stocks of 2009 were not great buys in 2010. Also, the worst stocks of 2009 fared fairly well in 2010.

New Leveraged ETF Funds Include Gold Miners

Even though 2010 is nearing its conclusion, ETF fund providers aren’t slowing down. Instead, they’re gearing up for the new year with more exchange traded fund product launches.

The Coming Rush Out of Bonds and Into Stocks

After Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke went on 60 Minutes to promise more quantitative easing and Congress a business-favorable tax compromise, the mega-switch from bonds to stocks took a giant step forward.

5 ETFs to Watch Next Week

There has speculation an exchange traded fund will debut soon that tracks physical copper - but the COPX ETF is a profitable trade now.