
Are You Worried About a Recession or Bear Market? Here’s What to Do With Your Stocks

If I asked you to name some of the biggest stock market winners of the 21st century, there’s a good chance Amazon (AMZN) would come to your mind. After all, Amazon has gone from a small online book seller to one of the world’s largest, most powerful companies. Amazon now sells virtually everything… and its founder Jeff Bezos is one of the world’s richest men. As result, Amazon’s shareholders have enjoyed one heck of a ride… Amazon’s market value has increased more than 86,000% since its IPO in 1998.

Making Sense of a Wild Week

The irony was pretty striking. This afternoon’s headline on Yahoo Finance was: Dow surges 1,300 points as Trump declares national emergency Normally, a national emergency would be cause for fear, but the market is already pricing in fear, so it rallied big today after the president made the declaration. It was a wild week that saw some of the biggest drops and biggest gains since the 2008 financial crisis. Fear in the market is in rare territory near record highs. Fears of the coronavirus, a looming recession, and an unfolding oil price war have rattled the market and the economy. Investors are wondering if they should sell everything, invest more, or simply do nothing. I want to address these questions and concerns for you.

Special Update: What to Do About the Coronavirus Bear Market

It’s like a punch to the gut. Stocks have fallen rapidly into a bear market on coronavirus fears and the dramatic steps governments and businesses are taking to contain it. I’ve been through bear markets before, and they are always rough while we’re in the middle of them. Always. It’s in our nature to dislike uncertainty, and there’s an awful lot of that going around right now. So, while I can’t give you exact answers to some questions, I can help you think rationally about what’s happening and the next steps. I’ve recorded another special MoneyLine podcast to do just that.

New Technology Helps Fight the Coronavirus (And Beyond)

“5G wireless is going to change the world.” I’ve been saying that for a year and a half now. At first, it was really only us “insiders” who could see it – those of us who closely monitor technology trends. But I think it’s really going to hit home for people now that they see how 5G is helping with these coronavirus outbreaks. The coronavirus is not what I want to be talking about right now. Just like it’s keeping people at home (whenever they can…and whenever they’re not out at the stores to stockpile goods), the coronavirus is also keeping great investments from realizing their potential. But there is a silver lining.

Special Market Update: Navigating the Mass Hysteria

It’s been more than 11 years since we’ve seen a down day like today in the market. Investors sold pretty much everything, as more than 95% of stocks in the market were down today. This, of course, comes on the heels of other panic sell-offs over the last two weeks. In that context, it’s no surprise that fear levels are in rare territory. In fact, the volatility index (VIX) has only been as high as it is now twice before – during the financial crisis in 2008 and back in October 1987 when the Dow lost 22.7% in one day. Both times turned out to be great buying opportunities. I expect that will be the case again. The U.S. economy was in good shape before the coronavirus hit and should be able to weather any brief slowdown.

America’s #1 Stock Picker on the Recent Market and the 25 Stocks You Should Sell Now

  Eric Fry may be the best stock picker in America… He recently won one of America’s most prestigious investment contests, against legendary billionaires such…

Every American Should Take These Steps Now To Combat The Recent Stock Plunge

U.S. stocks fell sharply in March, as concern surges over the fallout from the Coronavirus — a deadly flu outbreak that has been spreading since…

Canopy Growth Stock Reflects the Paradox of Cannabis Investing

Any momentum CGC stock is gaining in Canada is being offset by supply concerns and a U.S. market that remains closed.

Key Takeaways from This Historic Week

You’ve seen the headlines by now. You know this was the worst week for the market since the financial crisis more than 10 years ago. I sent you a Special Market Update on Wednesday with my detailed thoughts on the action and what investors should do and not do. Today, let’s look at some of the important takeaways from this historic week and what they tell us about what’s ahead. We’ll start with a technical indicator. On Thursday, only 7% of stocks in the S&P 500 closed above their 50-day moving average. This is rare territory, lower than 98% of the historical data going back to December 2001, which means we could be close to a turn. Compound Capital Advisors looked back through the data and found this has occurred nine times.

The Panic Selling is Giving Plenty of Buy Signals – You Just Need to Know Where to Look

Stocks just endured one of their worst weeks since the 1930s. Since last Friday, the S&P 500 has pulled back 11.5%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 12.4%, and the Nasdaq has fallen 10.5%. At one point today, the Dow was down more than 1,000 points for the fifth consecutive day. The selling is the result of panic and fear surrounding the coronavirus. And because the financial media is in the business of generating ad revenue, we’ve seen extremely misleading headlines that stoke that panic and fear.

Special Market Update: What You Need to Know

After back-to-back days of 3% declines, I understand why most investors are nervous about their portfolios. Add in the constant headlines regarding the coronavirus and the fear spikes even higher. That’s what we need to talk about today. I want to insert some logic and perspective into the current frenzy. Let’s start with the stock market. The S&P 500 began today down 7.6% from its all-time closing high last Wednesday. When stocks fall sharply in such a short amount of time, it tends to feel much worse than if they slid that same amount over a few months. Unfortunately, in the connected and instant information world we live in today, pullbacks are often violent and fast. But… stocks can rebound just as quickly. They usually do.

His Intel Pick Had Huge Gains Over Time. Now He Says This 5G Opportunity Could Be Way Bigger.

When Louis Navellier makes predictions, smart people listen. For example, he spotted a young and hungry chip manufacturer called Intel in the early days… Then…

What You Should Do Before the Masses Stampede Into AI-Drug Discovery

It’s not every morning you wake up and read about a scientific discovery that could be an absolute game-changer for both humanity and investors who get in ahead of the trend. I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it yesterday. Researchers at MIT have used artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of neural networks to identify a powerful new antibiotic compound. The drug could be a game-changer because it has the potential to tackle treatment-resistant bacteria strands that current drugs are helpless against. This scourge of treatment-resistant bacteria has been worrying health officials for decades.

There’s Nothing Like Earning Big Profits Overnight

I’m an early riser. I get up before the sun every morning, in part because I can’t wait to get the day started. I’m often the first one in the office, although my CEO and I have a bit of a competition going. The first thing I do every morning is check the headlines. I get up to speed on what happened overnight in foreign markets, and corporate announcements often come early in the morning. My absolute favorite way to start the day is with news that one of my companies is getting acquired. I can tell you from experience that there’s nothing better than waking up to find out one of your stocks just made you a lot of money overnight.

Last Call to Buy Several of My Best Microcap Stocks

I wanted to drop you a quick note with a “last call” for my Microcap Millionaire Project. While I’m a big believer in these 10 stocks over the long term, the chance to take part with a $1,200 discount on Early Stage Investor ends tonight at midnight. Click here to claim yours now. Most importantly, the time to buy these wealth generators is now. These smaller stocks can really jump – like iCAD (ICAD), my microcap play on artificial intelligence-powered cancer detection and treatment. Shares are up more than 90% for my Early Stage Investor subscribers just since November. But they’ve really been on the move since last Tuesday.

Did Qualcomm (QCOM) Reveal A Key Piece of the New iPhone?

Chipmaker Qualcomm (QCOM) just announced its latest contribution to the 5G revolution. And Apple (AAPL) is sure to take notice.

Today’s Blowout Earnings Could Trigger the Next Cannabis Rally

It’s earnings season here in the market. That may sound boring to some of you – and I get it. But today, earnings season gave us some exciting news. The world’s largest cannabis company reported much better-than-expected earnings this morning. The stock opened 20% higher, and the positive sentiment spread throughout the industry. This is extremely encouraging action, as the sector benchmark ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF (MJ) had been trading near a bottom and is now bouncing nicely off it. Could this be the trigger to reignite the next major rally in cannabis stocks? These earnings are so darn good that I think it might be…

5 Penny Stocks to Buy If You Can Risk It

I'll tell you whether you should buy or stay away from these penny stocks. Remember, even the so-called best penny stocks are volatile!

What We Can Learn From the Oscars

In the Digest this week, we've been featuring Eric Fry's research on what will likely be the biggest influence on American society, and your own wealth, over…