
Amazon, Electric Vehicles and Opportunities for Investors

Back in 2017, Walmart set the commercial electric vehicle market on fire when the company announced it was purchasing 15 semis from Tesla. The idea seemed more like a novelty at the time, with Walmart stating the vehicles would help the company meet some of its long-term sustainability goals, including lowering emissions. What a difference a couple of years makes in this fast-moving, high-tech industry. Amazon (AMZN) recently announced that it placed an order for 100,000 new electric vans from electric vehicle (EV) startup Rivian. The bold move also means that the starting gun has been fired in the race to build out the next generation fleet of EVs.

MoneyLine: Ignore the Bleating, Look for the Real Opportunities in This Volatile Market

Anxiety-inducing headlines. Jittery, news-driven markets. The mainstream media doesn’t seem to know which way is up these days, and their sense of impending doom is palpable. You probably can’t turn on your TV or car radio today without hearing some talking head jabbering on about how one of the longest bull markets in American history is coming to end. You need to know what’s really going on behind the headlines, and that’s exactly what I tell you in this week’s MoneyLine podcast. I'll also discuss why brokerages are doing away with commissions and look at some recent IPOs that have made investors money.

Friday Apple Rumors: Apple Acquires Motion Capture Company iKinema

Friday's Apple Rumors include 'Consumer Reports' praising the iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max, a new 16-inch MacBook Pro rumor and more.

Hy-Vee Data Breach: 12 Things for Customers to Know

Hy-Vee data breach information is out following an update from the grocery store company about customers' stolen information.

Thursday Apple Rumors: iPhone SE 2 May Launch in Q1 2020

Thursday's Apple Rumors include the release of Apple releases macOS Catalina Golden Master, a collection of scam apps and more.

Wednesday Apple Rumors: iOS 13.2 Beta Available for Download

Wednesday's Apple Rumors include troubles for Apple Watch Series 5 owners, a possible look at the AirPods 3 design and more.

Near-Term Catalysts for Activision Stock Should Fuel Game Maker’s Growth

Activision Blizzard stock has underperformed peers over the past year, but with upcoming catalysts, ATVI is poised for future growth.

Tuesday Apple Rumors: How Apple May Kill the Display Notch

Tuesday Apple Rumors include talk of an October event showing off new devices, a new beta coming to developers soon and more.

Drone Delivery News: UPS Wins First FAA Approval on Broad Scale

Drone delivery news for Tuesday includes UPS (UPS) getting approval from the Federal Aviation Administration for flights.

Investors Should Take a Wait-and-See Approach With IBM Stock

IBM stock closed its acquisition of Red Hat, but it remains to be seen if the IBM management team can successfully integrate and grow Red Hat.

Monday Apple Rumors: Apple News+ Launches in New Countries

Monday's Apple Rumors include a new developer beta of macOS Catalina, the release of iOS 13.1.2 and iPadOS 13.1.2, and more.

What kind of potential is there in the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been a buzz phrase for a few years, and for good reason. The connectivity of anything and everything imaginable is fascinating. Take that idea to its logical conclusion and you get a completely connected world. We will also see a new generation of wearable devices that will connect our bodies with… you guessed it… anything and everything.

By 2030, there will be an estimated one trillion connected devices. What makes that number even more impressive is that 30 years ago there were only about 1,000 connections.

Want to See One of My Personal Trades?

We’ve focused this week on a way to tap the hypergrowth cannabis industry to make annual yields in excess of 100%. It’s no surprise that these incredible yields are found in an industry with incredible growth. Both the current growth rate of this industry and its future potential are staggering. The idea of combining the fastest-growing sector in the market with covered call options may sound counterintuitive. Why match up a high-growth investing strategy with a conservative income strategy? Honestly, this is one reason nobody else is doing this: The perception among traders that this is “boring.” But what’s boring about instant income in your account – especially when the yields are so attractive?

MoneyLine: Here’s One Piece of Advice You Can’t Afford to Miss

Man. What a week it’s been. I hope you had a great one, because I sure did. Some of the highlights for me were launching a new investing service and getting to talk on my podcast with a fellow investor I hold in high regard. We’ve talked a lot about my new service. It’s called Cannabis Cash Weekly. I’m super excited about it, as I don’t see anybody else out there employing this strategy right now. As I wrote to you on Tuesday, an investment that pays you a giant yield on your money right off the bat is like the “Holy Grail” of investing. And now, thanks to a once-in-a-decade anomaly in the business world, I’ve spotted an investment offering 100%+ annual yields.

Friday Apple Rumors: Apple Releases Fix for iOS 13 Keyboard

Friday's Apple Rumors include a new collection of trailers for TV+ shows, a new jailbreak for Apple's mobile devices and more.

Thursday Apple Rumors: 2020 iPhone May Drop Display Notch

Thursday's Apple Rumors include a second supplemental update for macOS Mojave 10.14.6, the release of iOS 12.4.2 and more.

With Qualcomm Stock Down, Is Now the Time to Buy?

QCOM stock slid 2.6% on Tuesday and regained yesterday but remains a risky proposition in a volatile year for the tech maker

I’m Getting a Lot of Questions About My New Income Project

Just 24 hours after my webinar telling investors how to make big income in the marijuana mega-trend, I can tell I got a lot of people’s attention. I’m not surprised to be getting a lot of questions, because with Cannabis Cash Weekly we’re doing something I haven’t seen anywhere else. So here’s my chance to clarify a few things. First of all, when I talked about “income,” I was talking about 100% yields or more. That’s a pretty big goal, I know. But even from the first 10 minutes of yesterday’s webinar, we’re well on our way already: If you caught my on-air demonstration, you saw how we made $420 from Aurora Cannabis (ACB). That’s an instant 5% yield… with only one trade.

Wednesday Apple Rumors: 2020 iPhone Line May Adopt Metal Frame

Wednesday's Apple Rumors include a teardown of the Apple Watch Series 5, warnings for replacing iPhone 11 displays and more.