
bondsThe premise of bonds is simple: you invest your money to an entity and, after a set period of time, that money matures and can be collected for more than what you invested. Some of the more popular bonds are government bonds, which have been used in the past to fund wars, public utilities, and various federal and state projects.

The main caveat to bonds is their limited returns and the possibility of that yield barely even surpassing inflation. However, the security of bonds is priceless. Bonds are all but sure things and even if the issuer goes bankrupt, bond holders (lenders) are the first to be paid out. Bonds have their place in any portfolio, as they provide lockdown stability and even some growth.

Don’t Tap Germany Through the Bund Fund

The new ProShares German debt ETF makes it easier to get into the bund market -- but it doesn't make it a worthwhile investment.

Why the Fed’s Low Rates Led to Higher Rates

Here's why the effect of Bernanke & Co's. extended low-rate pledge was to trigger inflation fears, which sent long rates up.

With T-Bond Gains Limited, Junk Looks Good

Even if yields on the 10-year keep dropping, the price upside is capped. That means you should look instead at some high-yield ETFs.

Bear Spreads on Bonds Worth Another Shot

In the world of charts and fundamental data about stocks and companies, you have access to numerous methods of identifying actionable trade opportunities. You might…

Don’t Put Bill Gross Out to Pasture Yet

After blowing it badly in 2011, the legendary PIMCO manager is still swinging away -- and still worth listening to.

Gold Hits 6-Month Low, Breaches Lehman 2008 Support Level

The euro zone debt crisis keeps downward pressure on gold. In London trading, the price fell below the trendline off the October 2008 low.

7 Year-End Tax-Saving Moves

Taxes may be the last thing on your mind, but making these moves before year end will pay off in April.

ECB’s Loans Will Do Little to Fix Europe Itself

Banks might have gained liquidity, but is it prudent for them to turn around and buy indebted countries' shaky government bonds?

Global Bond Funds Hit a Strong-Dollar Headwind

This Templeton global bond fund is an example of what can go wrong when the buck suddenly strengthens. Is it just a short-term glitch?

4 Municipal Bond ETFs to Buy for Solid Returns, Tax Advantages

Municipal bonds have a fairly high minimum-investment bar, and can be risky if holding just a few issues. These four muni-bond ETFs solve those problems.

As Lenders Shun Euro Zone, Blue Chips Borrow for Next to Nothing

And you don't have to be AAA to get all the cash you want. But don't expect the companies to use this credit to expand and hire.

Don’t Be Fooled — Euro Zone Collapse Still Is an Option

It's in everyone's best interest for the euro zone to stay viable, but the reality is a collapse is still possible.

How Much Cash Should You Hold?

Regarding cash on hand: Always have enough so that you don't have to spend it at inopportune times. Consider bond and money market funds.

Beat the Stock Market With Emerging Market Bonds

A well-diversified fund of emerging market bonds, such as no-load TCW Emerging Markets Income N (MUTF:TGINX) is a great way to beat the 10-year Treasury note.

Inflation Pressures Likely to Put Brakes on Any Treasury Rally

TLT moved up to $124 at the time of Operation Twist, only to fall back to the present level around $117 in Tuesday's trading.

3 Junk-Bond ETFs for Bold Investors

These ETFs might be good options for investors looking for diversification and more yield than Uncle Sam is delivering.

Top 6 Dividend Picks for November

These low-risk dividend investments are capable of delivering income and strong returns in the year ahead.

Will Investing in Bond ETFs Make You Safe or Sorry?

If you want safe and stodgy, bond ETFs are for you. If you want a little excitement and a chance at high yields -- well, bond ETFs might also be for you.

5 Market-Beating ETF Strategies for Your Portfolio

Certain sectors are beating this volatile market. But rather than trying to pinpoint which stocks will be the best performers, cash in on them with these high-flying funds.