
bondsThe premise of bonds is simple: you invest your money to an entity and, after a set period of time, that money matures and can be collected for more than what you invested. Some of the more popular bonds are government bonds, which have been used in the past to fund wars, public utilities, and various federal and state projects.

The main caveat to bonds is their limited returns and the possibility of that yield barely even surpassing inflation. However, the security of bonds is priceless. Bonds are all but sure things and even if the issuer goes bankrupt, bond holders (lenders) are the first to be paid out. Bonds have their place in any portfolio, as they provide lockdown stability and even some growth.

The 4 Sectors to Buy Next

If the market confirms a higher low, look to add long exposure in the most oversold groups.

3 Ways to Play the Bond Market Bubble

Some analysts believe the bond market bubble is close to bursting, but don't let the bond market bubble scare you out of your investments.

Despite Record Low Yields, This Bond Fund is a Big Buy

Some regions of the bond market can offer significantly better value than others. Right now, the Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund (VWEHX) is intriguing.

Bond Bulls, Here’s the Options Trade For You

It has paid to buy the dips in bonds all year. Here's a lower-risk way to do it now.

Why Investors Should Be Buying Emerging Markets Bond Funds

Of the bond market investments of reasonable value, emerging markets offer generous cash yields to compensate investors for accepting risk.

Fixed Income ETFs: Finer With Age

These bond funds offer varying levels of maturities for the investor who wants to mix up his bond holdings.

What Does the Bond Market Mean for Stocks?

Bad junk bond market and a rally in Treasuries should make investors nervous.

Stocks, Bonds and Gold: What Should Investors Do?

A U.S. recession isn't out of the question, and Europe hasn't figured out its debt problems, but keep a rational mind-set and consider these plays.

Gather Your Courage and Explore High-Yield Bonds Again

The market's downturn has left behind an opportunity for adventurous investors to consider jumping into high-yield bonds.

Don’t Let the Late Market Rally Fool You

Don't be fooled by yesterday's late rally. Hold off on buying stocks or equity mutual funds in favor of inverse ETFs and bonds.

Bond Drop Means Rally in TBT Inverse ETF

A fall in bonds makes attractive the ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury (NYSE: TBT). Sell TBT puts to obtain premium.

4 Ways for Fund Investors to Land Double-Digit Yields

Three conservative mutual funds could yield 10%-15% each by year-end, while an aggressive bond fund may net you almost 19%.

Did Bill Gross Blow His Call on Treasuries?

Yields are still down, but don't bet against PIMCO's chief.

Are Things Really as Bad as CNBC Seems to Think?

Negative economic news dominates the headlines and the markets, but is this summer swoon the pause that refreshes or the dreaded double-dip.

Market Turns to Treasury Bond ETFs

Trade bonds with ETFs using the bullish iShares 20+ Year Treasury (NYSE: TLT) and the bearish ProShares Short 20+ Year Treasury (NYSE: TBF).

Bond Bears Got Caught With Their Shorts Down

After the media sounded the alarm to dump bonds 3 months ago, they have staged one of the most powerful rallies in recent years.

PIMCO Total Return Fund Puts Bond Genius Bill Gross at Your Disposal

Bond king Bill Gross can be at the helm of your portfolio if you buy this mutual fund - but be prepared to pay a premium fee for his services.

2 All-Weather Funds Throwing Off Huge Yields

These high-dividend ETFs offer investors safety in uncertain times in addition to yielding close to 10%.

5 Top Funds from PIMCO and Bond King Bill Gross

Bond funds from Pimco and bonds icon Bill Gross offer investors opportunities to play the mutual fund market with a bond focus.