
Sell Tesoro Puts on Profit-Taking in the Oil Space

Selling puts is a high-probability bet that TSO trades sideways or even higher from here.

Which Commodity Is Your Best Buy?

Gold, silver and oil are all moving higher, but one is likely to make a quick run before year-end.

Get a Profit Gusher from the Oil Services Industry

Instead of pinpointing one oil services company, we are targeting the Oil Services ETF for instant gains.

4 Reasons Tanker Stocks Are Hitting a Reef

The drop in daily charter rates has hit tanker stocks hard. But that's not the only reason shipping companies are facing choppy waters.

Take a Break from Hess, Pick Up Marathon

While Hess and Marathon Oil had tough third quarters, one company's recent oil-field acquisitions bode well. See which stock is the better buy.

Traders May Squeeze Another 2% Out of Market

The S&P 500’s upside potential is limited, but the index could go higher in the short term.

How to Play Big Oil and Get a 9% Dividend

Offshore drilling contractor SeaDrill is an offbeat play, but it offers a ride on increasing oil prices and a huge dividend.

Chevron Turns to the Sun for Greater Profits

Chevron (NYSE:CVX) partnership with solar company BrightSource Energy could help the oil giant boost heavy crude production at a reduced cost.

Halliburton Calls a Slick Way to Play Oil

HAL has been trading below most analysts’ estimates, and it may be the right time for this stock to head even higher.

Schlumberger Soars After Solid Q3 Revenues

SLB missed estimates by pennies but income soared 50% year-over-year. Here are two bullish options trades to play the stock's rise.

Is Now the Time to Invest in Short Oil Funds?

A slowing global economy could stall oil prices -- investors can play these four short oil funds to take advantage.

Schlumberger Shares — 3 Pros, 3 Cons

Schlumberger should continue to benefit from oil's tighter supplies and higher demand.

Higher Prices Possible, but Air Is Getting Thin

The S&P 500 is coming into a major resistance area, but could make it to 1,300.

7 Oil Companies Running on Fumes

There has been a lot of volatility in the crude oil and energy sectors recently. These seven oil companies are among the losers.

10 Revved-Up Oil Companies to Buy

There has been a lot of volatility in the crude oil and energy sectors recently, but it appears that the winners are now separating themselves from the losers.

Should You Buy the Dow — Exxon Mobil

Exxon Mobil is an oil industry giant, and the world is going to need oil for a long time. Even at an expensive price, XOM is a value.

Don’t Get Mad at Inflation – Here are 3 Ways to Invest and Get Even

Don't let rising food and fuel prices get you down. Here are three moves to make now to profit from inflationary pressures.

Oil Plays: Why Drill When You Can Integrate?

Chevron is up while offshore drillers like Transocean and Diamond Offshore are down -- it all comes down to how they make their money.

9 Oil and Energy Stocks to Power Your Portfolio

Although the energy sector hasn’t been booming, this still is a good buying opportunity for investors looking for oil & energy stocks.