A Rare Window Opens for Explosive Wealth Creation

Every five to eight years or so, a window of EXPLOSIVE wealth creation opens somewhere in the world… all thanks to a new technology or radical business trend.

Stepping through this window and going to the other side is like living in an amazing, beautiful alternate universe for a while.

In this universe, the laws of wealth creation are much different than in the normal world.

In this alternate universe, you can build wealth at incredible rates. Instead of your stocks going up 20% a year, they go up 80% per year. Instead of getting $1,000 in dividends, you get $8,000 in dividends.

And sometimes, you make 400% in a day. Go to sleep worth $100,000. Wake up worth $500,000.

In the 1990s, it was the internet and wireless communication. People got super rich super fast.

In the early 2000s, it was real estate. People got super rich super fast.

From 2002 to 2007, it was commodities. Same thing.

In 2017, it was cryptocurrencies. People who invested $10,000 made enough to retire on.

In 2019, it’s cannabis!

Let me show you exactly what I mean.

546% in Four Months

Have you ever heard of Akerna (KERN)?

Probably not. It actually just started trading last week. Days later, the stock was up 546% – even higher at one point – from where I recommended it just four months ago.

Wait, how can that be?

This recommendation was a direct result of face-to-face contact with industry experts and corporate executives – good old fashioned boots-on-the-ground research. This research is invaluable, and too many analysts don’t make the effort.

It’s worth it. And it’s what my readers expect of me.

In January, I attended the Benzinga Cannabis Conference in Miami. I had the chance to speak with the management of about 10 companies, many of which were planning to go public in the coming months. In an explosive trend like marijuana, tomorrow’s leaders are going public, oftentimes for pennies on the dollar. That’s why I designed my Cannabis Cash Calendar system… to identify the big winners and avoid the losers.

Two of the companies I learned more about were MTech Acquisition and MJ Freeway. I met with executives from both, and I came away extremely impressed with their smarts and their vision for what was to come.

At the time, MTech traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol “MTEC.” It was what’s called a Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation, or SPAC for short. MTech was a company of investors who had raised money ($50 million) specifically for the purpose of buying a growing ancillary marijuana company. Ancillary means the company doesn’t actually touch the cannabis plant, which is an advantage in the ongoing murky legal situation.

MTech saw the opportunity in MJ Freeway, the largest cannabis technology company in the world.

MJ Freeway was founded in 2010 in Colorado to develop tracking software specifically for the cannabis industry. Its software tracks cannabis plants literally from seed to sale, and it was the only technology firm compliant in every market where cannabis was legal. Revenues were projected to grow 160% over the next three years.

It had everything I wanted to see in a big opportunity, but it was private. It also apparently had everything MTech wanted to see because the two agreed to a merger. That gave us a slick way to buy MTech and wait for the merger to be completed, at which point shares would automatically convert from MTEC to those in the new corporation that resulted: Akerna.

The merger closed on June 17… and you can see what happened!

Don’t Miss This Window

That kind of explosive wealth creation doesn’t happen in “normal” times. Well, maybe once in a blue moon. But in the cannabis industry, this is more than a one-time occurrence.

I’ll tell you about another big winner tomorrow… a cannabis stock that is up nearly 300% in less than a year… trades on a major stock exchange… and pays a dividend!

There are others as well. They came in various shapes and sizes. From dividend payers to recently public companies to stocks jumping from minor to major exchanges. (If you’re a subscriber to Early Stage Investor, I hope you saw my alert raising the buy limit on one of my Pot Jumper stocks. This is a huge buying opportunity if you don’t yet own shares! Log in to see the details, or click here to learn about my Pot Jumper stock picks!)

The thing with these unusual windows of explosive wealth creation is that you never know how long they will stay open. YOU MUST take advantage of them while you can.

If you don’t, others will pass you by. You’ll have to listen to your neighbor brag about his gains as he guns his new Ferrari out of the driveway.

Sometimes the gains come almost overnight. Sometimes they play out over years. Sometimes you get both, which is what I expect with Akerna.

The key is… you must ACT NOW.

If you missed internet stocks… or if you missed Bitcoin… or if you missed any of the other wealth windows… please don’t miss this one.

I’ll have more for you tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ll issue my next Cannabis Cash Calendar recommendation in early July. If you’re interested, you can learn more here and sign up to be notified the moment it is released.

P.S. The opportunity in legal weed is much like the opportunity internet stocks offered in 1994… or that Bitcoin offered in 2015. It is set to grow so much over the next 10 years that it will turn out to be one of the biggest investment opportunities of your entire life – no matter when you were born.

But you must act now before this window closes.

My Cannabis Cash Calendar was created to help investors like you do exactly that… and to benefit from one of the best wealth-creating strategies throughout history: buying early.

You saw what happened with Akerna, and I’m about to make my next recommendation. You can get exclusive access to my new Cannabis Cash Calendar pick the moment it is released. Click here for more on this incredible opportunity.

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2019/06/a-rare-window-opens-for-explosive-wealth-creation/.

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