The Missing Piece: How You Can Pocket Huge Income Streams from One Of The Biggest Business Booms Of The 21st Century

Legalization has spread across the United States, all of Canada, and even other parts of the world. And in just two weeks, on October 7, Canada moves to Legalization 2.0 as more cannabis products like edibles and beverages become legal.

The free market has been along for the ride. In 2015, the legal marijuana market was worth $5.4 billion. In 2017, that market exploded 57.4% to reach $8.5 billion. Last year, the legal marijuana market grew another 22% to reach $10.4 billion. We now spend more money on legal marijuana than we do on ice cream.

Savvy investors who got in the right stocks early reaped huge rewards. Since 2014, soaring marijuana stocks have produced dozens of 1,000%+ winners… helping many investors just like you build great wealth.

Still, cannabis remains technically illegal nationally in the U.S., and the industry is in its very early growth stages. It takes time for industries to grow and stocks to soar. Everyone knows marijuana stocks are volatile.

But there’s something most cannabis investors don’t yet know.

I’m talking about a new and exciting low-risk way to make a lot of money on cannabis stocks. What’s more, you can earn large streams of income thanks to the marijuana boom.

I’m about to release the details showing you exactly how. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 24, at 3 p.m. ET, and click here now to register for this free event.

The Missing Piece

We love passive income in America.

I mean, what’s not to like? No matter how old you are, I’m sure you could handle more cash every month. I have to tell you, there’s nothing like seeing money regularly land in your account, no matter what you’re doing at the time. You could be working or on vacation. It doesn’t really matter what you’re up to.

Entire industries are devoted to passive income because it brings such incredible benefits.

There are huge funds that only buy dividend-paying stocks. Every year, people buy books about passive real estate income by the truckload. Big money management businesses exist to own interest-paying bonds for investors… and on and on.

Income investing is an important component of a balanced portfolio. And with interest rates historically low for the last decade, it’s been difficult to find sufficient and reliable income. For example, a 12-month CD from Citibank earns you a measly 2% for tying up your money for a full year. Oh, and the minimum amount to get that rate is $25,000.

With the legal marijuana industry still so early in its growth, investors looking for income haven’t found much help there either.

Until now.

The Perfect Combo of Growth and Income

I’ve recommended marijuana investments since 2014… for over five years now. Many of my early recommendations have soared by hundreds, even thousands of percentage points.

I’ve gotten to know many of the most important players in the industry. I’ve also personally invested in private marijuana deals that have produced some stunning successes.

A colleague of mine even refers to me as “The Original Marijuana Stock Bull.”

Of all the work my team and I have done in the marijuana space, we’re especially proud of a new system to help investors ride the wealth-creating tsunami of marijuana legalization… and earn huge paychecks as you do it.

I’ve checked all over, and I haven’t found anybody else who is doing this right now. I would venture that not one investor in 10,000 is tapping this powerful income source. You won’t hear about it in the financial media either.

That makes it an even better opportunity.

It’s easy to do, and you get paid immediately on your way to earning some of the largest income streams on the planet.

I will tell you all about it when I release details of my new Cannabis Cash Weekly system on Tuesday, September 24, at 3 p.m. ET. Please do whatever you can to attend. I’ll even give you an exclusive on-air demonstration detailing how to generate this weekly cannabis cash over and over again.

You’re going to love it if you want to…

  1. Invest in one of the fastest-growing industries that is on the verge of another major catalyst.
  2. Collect a weekly cash flow.
  3. Ease your frustration with low interest rates on your bank accounts and low yields from dividend-paying stocks.
  4. Make your money as a leader doing what nobody else is rather than following the herd.

I’m super excited about it, and I hope you are, too. I’ll see you on Tuesday.

P.S. The most incredible part of this unique strategy is that it’s less risky and potentially much more profitable than just owning ordinary cannabis stocks.

This cash-gushing income strategy can net you thousands of dollars… week after week… for up to 70 different times over the next 12 months.

Make sure you register now to be the first to know about. You’ll be glad you did.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt focuses on Chinese biotech – what he calls one of his favorite long-term investment opportunities of our lifetime. He talks to Brad Loncar of Loncar Investments, who created the index that the China BioPharma ETF (CHNA) tracks. And Brad shares his thoughts on why he is also so bullish on the sector. Finally, Matt discusses the genetic testing industry and why he believes it is the keystone to the future of healthcare.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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