MoneyLine: Bitcoin vs. Gold – Which I Prefer and Why

This week’s podcast takes a slightly different angle as I bring in a special guest – InvestorPlace CEO Brian Hunt. He’s not only my boss… he’s become a great friend of mine as well.

You may have heard or seen Brian’s name before, but you probably don’t know much about the man behind one of the fastest-growing investment newsletter businesses in the world. He’s been in the industry for 16 years and, more importantly, loves the stock market as much as I do – which is pretty impressive. Those of you who know me and have followed me over the years know that very few others share my passion for all things stocks.

That is why it was my pleasure to have Brian join me on this week’s MoneyLine.

We kick off the show discussing the stock-picking philosophy we follow in my Early Stage Investor newsletter. We make venture capital-like investments in small, early stage companies that offer 10X (or more!) upside, and we talk about how I keep my head on a swivel every day and employ lots of research to uncover these opportunities.

From there, we move on to a hot topic right now – the differences between Bitcoin and gold. We talk about which we prefer to own and why it could actually make sense to own both. (For more on the massive opportunity in Bitcoin right now, check out my article from earlier this week.)

Then, those of you who are VIP members of my Investment Opportunities newsletter are in for a real treat. In this part of the podcast, I ask Brian something I believe we all want answered: “Where do you see the best opportunity in the market today? AND, what was the last stock you purchased?”

Don’t miss out on the chance to gain in-depth knowledge from a guy who wants to help investors like you. That’s why he has helped build and grow some of the biggest investment newsletters in the industry.

Click here now to listen to this week’s MoneyLine.

Also – don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your friends!

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