The One Topic That Shocked Everyone

I was speaking at the Stansberry Alliance Conference in Beijing, China. The room was packed with attendees eagerly waiting to hear about the investments that can make them 10 times their money.

They nodded in agreement on some of the opportunities I mentioned, and they were somewhat surprised by others.

But one shocked them.

These are smart people. They found the opportunity incredibly compelling, but they needed a moment to process what they had heard.

I understood their reaction because I did the exact same thing when I came across a set of numbers that stopped me in my tracks.

I honestly wasn’t sure if the numbers were correct, so I knew I had to dig deeper. If they were correct, I was really onto something.

I ran them a few more times. And yet a few more. I needed to be sure.

They were correct… and I was definitely on to something.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve made over a dozen recommendations that have gone up 1,000% or more — and over 200 in the 100%-999% range…

But what I’ve done recently is the most exciting moneymaking opportunity of my career – hands down. I’ve just released an urgent presentation to let you know about it.

The last time this happened you could have made 300 times your money.

Or even 640 times your money from a single investment.

Now, I can’t guarantee gains this high. But there’s a similar situation unfolding right now.

It’s a realistic chance to make not just 10X on your money… but 100X. To turn every $1 invested into $100.

A genuine 100-bagger.

Now, I realize that may sound impossible. But as you’ll see — no matter how crazy this opportunity might seem — it’s completely real.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it. It might be the most controversial call I’ve ever made. You might think I’m crazy.

But please keep in mind, this is the same reaction people had when I recommended bitcoin in 2014… before it went on a 3,038% tear.

And cannabis stocks in 2015 before they went up 22-fold.

Let me be clear that this is NOT about taking big risks.

Big risks are for gamblers… I do not gamble in the stock market.

All investments carry risk. We know that. But this opportunity is about as close to a sure thing as you can get.

Rarely does an investment opportunity come along that offers up so much upside — and so little downside. We’d be crazy not to take advantage of it. Big money is already starting to flow into it.

That’s the opportunity I tell you about in my just-released research presentation. We’ll also discuss it all week long here in MoneyWire.

I want to make sure you know about it now, before everyone else jumps on board. Stay tuned for all of the details. Or click here to view my new presentation now.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt talks about Virgin Galactic (SPCE), the first publicly traded space exploration company. Is it a good investment opportunity? Then, Matt shares his thoughts on two high-growth food stocks that got crushed this week after earnings. The show wraps up with a discussion about stocks at all-time highs and Matt’s view on why everyone can become a successful investor.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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