Never Rely on This Group of People for Investing Decisions

What can I say?

I love technology. Most of my investments are based on the future of technology.

But man, sometimes I hate technology.

It’s been a crazy busy week here at the InvestorPlace office (I can’t wait to share some big news with you next week), and to make it even crazier, we had some technical difficulties filming this week’s MoneyLine podcast.

There’s no video this week, but that’s probably okay – I get pretty worked up about one topic I discuss, so you can’t see the veins popping out of my neck.

Despite the difficulties, we still have another big show for you. You can head over the MoneyWire website now to check it out.

In this week’s episode, I want to talk about people who have a job in which they can be wrong more often than they’re right. Specifically, economists. And even more specifically, economists who are calling for an imminent recession.

One study shows that one in three economists expect a recession in the next two years, and one in four believe we’ll see one in the next 12 months. A lot even expect one before the next presidential election!

It shouldn’t surprise you that I say they’re nuts.

For more on where the economy is actually going – and to hear why you should never listen to an economist when it comes to investing – check out today’s podcast.

Then, I tell you about a sector of the market that is poised to be bigger than the internet. Yes, you read that right.

There was a $10 trillion impact when the internet came online. According to a recent ARK Investment report, this sector will have a $30 trillion economic impact. Three times the size of the internet! Best of all, we’re only about $1 trillion into this trend – which means there is a ton of room on the upside.

Listen to today’s podcast to learn more about this exciting and transformative sector that could bring you life-changing profits over the next decade.

Have a great weekend, and I’ll be back with more MoneyWire next week.

P.S. Louis Navellier and I are closing the door for good on our first-ever joint research project. Once closed, you’ll NEVER be able to gain access to the 12 hypergrowth stocks we’ve handpicked. It’s not too late to join us AND save $1,000 by going here.  

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