Piggybacking on the Ultimate Wealth Generating Machines of the 21st Century

Back in November 2012, a change took place to the way bitcoin (BTC) rewards miners for creating new bitcoin and securing the network.

We talked about this hugely significant event in yesterday’s MoneyWire. It’s called “the halvening” among industry insiders and happens every few years with bitcoin. It is written into the cryptocurrency’s “DNA” if you will – or its code base. Essentially, the supply of bitcoin dropped and the demand for it kept chugging along.

In the months that followed, bitcoin’s price soared an amazing 2,135%, bringing a spectacular windfall to early investors who saw the halvening and its implications coming well ahead of time.

As I explained yesterday, we’re about to experience another bitcoin halvening in 2020… and all of the potential profits that can come along with that. It could easily be the first major investment event of the decade.

But there’s another, even bigger catalyst to cryptocurrency profits building on the horizon that you need to know about. It could make what happened to bitcoin and the market forces surrounding it during prior halvenings look like child’s play.

Let me show you what I mean…

The Lucrative World of Altcoins

If you’ve never heard the term “altcoins,” no biggie. It’s really a simple concept. Basically, altcoins are a class of cryptocurrencies other than bitcoin – or alternative coins.

They’re also smaller in terms of market cap. Best of all, they have the potential to outshine even bitcoin in terms of massive price gains.

Think of bitcoin like Apple (AAPL) as it hit the legendary $1 trillion market cap… while altcoins are the unicorn companies of today growing faster than Apple could have ever dreamed – companies like Uber Technologies (UBER), Airbnb, and SpaceX.

For example, over the same timeframe it took bitcoin to rise 2,000% after the first halvening, a cryptocurrency called litecoin (LTC) rocketed 7,483% higher.

Toward the end of 2015, bitcoin went on a 72% run. Not bad. Meanwhile, ethereum (ETH), the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, soared from $1 to more than $14 for an eye-popping 1,914% gain.

In fact, there’s a pattern I’ve noticed in the data. As past halvenings pushed bitcoin to new highs, they made small altcoins grow exponentially higher.

The Quickest Way to Get Rich

Now, if you’re familiar much with altcoins, you might have heard them called a fraud or “fantasy internet money.” The truth is that some are frauds. But to write off all altcoins for this reason is like saying stocks are a scam because of Enron.

Skeptics like to point out that if we have bitcoin, why do we need the hundreds of other altcoins on the market?

I’m here to let you know that might be the single most expensive belief on the planet right now.

It could easily cost you $1 million in lost profits over the next 12 months.

Here’s why…

Right now, there’s a fuse being lit under the altcoin market.

This fuse will set off one of the largest explosions of wealth in modern history.

People who invest modest stakes in altcoins could make millions of dollars.

But to truly understand the magnitude of this opportunity, you must understand that altcoins aren’t really cryptocurrencies in the way most people think about them.

At the end of the day, you need to know these assets aren’t fantasy internet money. They are actually investments in one of the most valuable, most revolutionary technologies ever created.

I prefer to say blockchain technologies are just really valuable computer programs.

If you’ve paid attention to what has happened in the world and the stock market over the past 30 years, you should be ready to jump out of your chair and buy altcoins with both hands RIGHT NOW.

That’s because computer programs are the oil of the 21st century.

They are one of the greatest forces for wealth creation on Earth.

I know that sounds outlandish, but let’s look at the amazing facts right in front of our eyes…

  • In 1986, computer program leader Microsoft (MSFT) went public. Shares are up more than 150,000% since then… turning every $10,000 invested into $15 million.
  • That same year, shares of computer program leader Oracle (ORCL) went public. Shares are up more than 93,000% since then. Oracle founder Larry Ellison is one of the world’s richest people, worth over $69 billion.
  • In 1998, two young computer programmers Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google (GOOGL) and created the world’s most valuable search engine program. Both men are now worth more than $50 billion each. Their early backers made billions as well.

When people wake up to the fact that altcoins aren’t fantasy internet money – or a wannabe version of bitcoin – there will be an enormous rush into this asset class.

It will be like a mass awakening. It will lead to mainstream acceptance of altcoins as a serious investment vehicle. And the realization that these cryptocurrencies are really just a new way to own the best software assets in today’s economy.

As I said, some altcoins are indeed frauds, so you have to know what you’re doing… and you’ll have to be choosy to take full advantage of what’s on the horizon. That’s why I’m putting together the 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit.

This special summit lays out the need-to-know details that could make you a crypto millionaire in 2020. Please don’t miss it. It could be the most profitable decision you make this year.

Click here to learn more.

P.S. Computer programs are the oil of the 21st century.

They’ve become the world’s ultimate wealth creators… because we all place enormous value on their ability to save us time and headaches… and because they’ve made us MASSIVELY more productive.

The fastest legal way to get rich in America is to own a piece of a valuable computer program. Those who truly understand wealth creation know that if you want to get very rich in a very short time, you need to invest in computer programs.

And we’re about to see yet another massive store of value get unlocked in the valuable computer programs known as cryptocurrencies. Click here to learn how.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt discusses Thursday’s drone strike that killed a top general in the Iranian military, which sent stocks lower as safe haven investments rallied. Then, he looks ahead to the next 10 years – what he is calling the Roaring 2020s. One sector poised for a big transformation is transportation. Finally, learn about investing in electric vehicles and self-driving cars.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/01/piggybacking-on-the-ultimate-wealth-generating-machines-of-the-21st-century/.

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