We’re Only Days Away From What Could Be the Biggest Profit Spike of Our Lifetimes

I’ve been hosting a lot of webinars in recent months. There are just so many fascinating opportunities out there that might otherwise get lost in the shuffle!

I’ll be doing another of these free investor events tonight at 7 p.m. ET. All you have to do is click here and you’ll be on the list for this 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit: Last Call.

I say “Last Call” because the catalyst we’ll be exploiting could be just days from now.

And you know what? I haven’t heard anything about it on TV!

It’s no surprise, sadly. Everyone’s too busy debating whether COVID-19 will bring about the end of the world. (As I’ve shared from all my research and experience: it won’t.)

And, honestly, the “talking heads” don’t really understand the market I’m talking about, anyway.

That’s exactly why I do what I do – provide everyday investors with the insight they need to make life-changing profits.

And that’s my goal in tonight’s 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit: Last Call.

So, allow me to fill you in…

Counting Down to the Major Catalyst I’ve Been Waiting For

The event I’m talking about is something that’s happened before – twice, actually. But never in the middle of a global pandemic.

We all wish the COVID-19 tragedy had never happened, and its effects will be felt for a long time. But for many of the hypergrowth investing trends I follow, the pandemic has highlighted their value – like virtual doctor visits, for example – and will actually speed up their growth and development.

I see that happening with cryptocurrencies.

Governments and central banks around the world are pumping trillions of dollars into the economy to provide support when so much has been shut down. The U.S. alone has already committed more than $6 trillion in economic relief via direct checks and Federal Reserve actions. When all is said and done, I predict that number will be closer to $10 trillion – making it the largest stimulus package in the history of the country.

This stimulus money will boost stocks, as people will eventually start to put cash back into the economy. When combined with ultra-low interest rates, that’s a positive situation for stocks.

But what about cryptocurrencies? One of their biggest benefits will be limited supply. Looking at bitcoin in particular, more than 18 million bitcoins have been mined since it came into existence in 2009, and the software coding limits the ultimate supply to 21 million. No more can be added.

Here’s what the code also does: After 210,000 blocks of transactions on the network are confirmed, the “reward,” or incentive to mine bitcoin, gets cut in half.

It’s called “the halvening.”

And here we are again. About four years after the last halvening, the reward is about to be sliced in half again – from 12.5 bitcoins down to just 6.25. As I write this, there are less than 2,000 blocks to go to that 210,000 milestone. I have my thoughts about when we’ll hit it – and the best way for investors to cash in.

Due to the halvening and other factors, mining will slow in the years ahead, so the last coin isn’t expected to be mined until 2140. That’s right… 120 years from now! In those 120 years, fewer than three million new bitcoins will be added to the supply. That’s a 17% supply increase over more than a century!

“Supply and demand” is topic number one in a basic economics class. But I don’t know if most people have ever been more aware of it than they are now. COVID-19 is really squeezing supply chains around the world, resulting in some of the products you “demand” being pretty scarce. And just look at what’s happening in the oil markets. Oil supplies so far exceed demand right now that companies are paying $100,000s to oil tanker companies… just to have somewhere to put it all!

The same effect could happen to anything, really. Even a currency.

When central banks turn on the “printing presses” to fund stimulus bills, supply skyrockets while demand remains constant. Therefore, the value of the currency will decrease. This could also lead to massive inflation as more fiat currencies flood the market, pushing up the price of goods.

This is why the big allure of cryptocurrencies – that they exist in fixed amounts and cannot be debased – will grow and grow over the coming decade.

The bottom line is that the current situation, with economic stimulus going into effect all over the world, will be good for stocks in the coming years. It will be very good for bitcoin – the biggest cryptocurrency of all.

And it could be absolutely amazing for the altcoins I’ll be recommending to you after tonight’s 2020 Crypto Millionaire Summit: Last Call.

The truth is, even many of those who know about the bitcoin “halvening” don’t understand its most important implication:

After the first two halvenings, altcoins significantly outperformed bitcoin… and there is no reason to expect otherwise this time.

That is why I started Ultimate Crypto in January – to help investors build a portfolio of top altcoins and ride the coming tailwinds to massive profits.

There’s still time to get in… but maybe only a few days! Click here now to RSVP to tonight’s event and find out the basics you need to know to profit.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt argues which is the better asset class – gold or crypto. He also provides a complete overview of the market, including how it is holding up through the pandemic, and discusses the best way to profit amid the volatility. This is an episode you don’t want to miss, as Matt touches on a ton of stock tickers and much more.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/04/were-only-days-away-from-what-could-be-the-biggest-profit-spike-of-our-lifetimes/.

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