You Want Tickers? I’ve Got Them In This Week’s MoneyLine

Get your pens and pads ready…

Today’s new episode of MoneyLine is chock full of investing ideas and ticker symbols. I’d go so far as to say it’s one of the best shows in our short history.

I kick off the episode with a discussion of the market, which rebounded this week after a quick pullback from recent high. A close look at the latest COVID-19 numbers shows a positive trend – despite what the media wants you to believe. I’ll share the data with you that proves things are indeed improving.

Then, I dive into the often-overlooked world of microcaps. Even with the overall stock market down since early February, my Microcap Millionaire Portfolio in Early Stage Investor is up about 45%! It couldn’t be a better time to discuss how to beat the market with small growth companies.

By now, you know I’m big on research. Every week I read pages and pages of it from Wall Street firms. It’s time consuming… but I love it. In today’s podcast, I share some of the most interesting reports I’ve come across recently. I fill you in on the stocks these firms are recommending and then grade the reports. Believe it or not, they all pass!

Have you looked at your personal portfolio recently? Are any investments hitting new all-time highs this week? Are any up more than 40% just here in 2020? Surprisingly, two ETFs have been able to achieve that feat. I’ll give you their names… and more importantly, I break down the stocks behind the market-beating returns.

Finally, I want to tell you more about my favorite sector of both this year and the entire Roaring 2020s decade – biotech. I even do a deep dive into a small $1.5 billion genomics company that I think you’ll find interesting.

It’s tickers galore on this week’s newest episode of MoneyLine. Time to make some money! Click here to check it out now.

P.S. When it comes to extreme wealth creation, few endeavors can compare to being an owner of a small company that grows large.

It’s much harder for Apple (AAPL) to go up 10X when it’s valued at $1.5 trillion than it is for a small cap to go from $1 billion to $10 billion.

The system we used for our Microcap Million Portfolio is designed to identify small stocks with the best chances to grow large, including one that has gained more than 175% in less than four months.

They are in exciting fields from artificial intelligence to healthcare to 5G. The number of 5G connected devices will grow from 2 million to 1.5 billion in just five years… and our tiny microcap company is developing the key components the big boys need to take this technology mainstream.

Click here to learn more about the opportunity… and how you can discover the name and ticker symbol.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
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Those on the right side of this innovation stand to build incredible wealth… just like people did from the creation of the internet and the smartphone. Think of this as your “field guide” for profiting from the next big battery breakthrough. Learn more here.

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