Celebrating Where We’ve Come from and Where We’re Headed

Being a Philadelphia kid, I was able to visit the very places where America was born…

Like Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

The Pennsylvania State House, where the U.S. Constitution was adopted.

The President’s House, where our first two presidents, George Washington and John Adams, both lived.

The city is rich with American history and the gritty spirit of innovation and freedom that led to the greatest country in the history of the world.

I believe that same spirit exists today, which gives me hope as an American and as an investor…

The July 4th holiday is many different things – fireworks, swimming, cookouts, big sales, and more.

It has a different feel this year with the pandemic, social distancing, and other restrictions. And yeah, we disagree on some things. But I will still always bet on America.

I will always bet on the ingenuity, grit, and determination of Americans… and, frankly, people all around the globe.

Our country and the world have dealt with pandemics in the past, and we’ve recovered every single time.

We have been through world wars, terrorist attacks, oil shocks, tech bubbles, and many other crises… and recovered every single time.

That’s a reason to celebrate today. Celebrate American freedom and innovation, yes, but also the entrepreneurial spirit, perseverance, determination, and good old-fashioned hard work.

My belief in this “can do” spirit is one reason I was able to be so confident that the crisis sell-off in March created excellent buying opportunities for long-term investors.

If you study market history at all, you know we’ve seen it before. I could write a book on this, but some of the most well-respected businesses today were created during the 2008-2009 financial crisis – Uber (UBER); Square (SQ); Pinterest (PINS); WhatsApp, now owned by Facebook (FB); Venmo, owned by PayPal (PYPL); and many more.

All became leaders in their industries. All became multi-billion-dollar companies.

That’s why we’ve opportunistically bought stocks these last few months. For instance, we started the Crisis and Opportunity Portfolio in my Early Stage Investor service on April 1, and the stocks have averaged nearly 80% gains so far.

It’s good to keep all this in mind at the halfway point of a year that has already been difficult and unlike any other.

When we flipped the calendar six months ago, word of a new virus in China was just starting to come out. It didn’t even have a name yet. It was called a “novel coronavirus” and wouldn’t become COVID-19 until a couple of months later.

We thought social distancing meant avoiding people you don’t like at parties. (Or maybe that was just me?)

And we didn’t own let alone wear masks… unless you worked in a hospital or operating room.

We saw the fastest stock market drop in history – down 30% in 22 days.

We saw the best 50 trading days in history – up 37.7% on the S&P 500.

And the Dow just wrapped up its best quarter since 1987.

As I think back to all the craziness, it reinforces the importance of what I call “hypergrowth investing.” Investing in transformative trends coming out of grit, ingenuity, and determination that will play out for years and change our world.

These trends are unstoppable. We said in the throes of the selling that 5G would continue to roll out, changing our lives forever. I call it a keystone technology because it provides the foundation for so many other innovations, like self-driving cars and robotic surgery, which will also continue to move forward.

We said electric vehicles would keep taking market share.

Artificial intelligence software would evolve.

Breakthrough medicines would still be discovered.

And on and on.

Hypergrowth investing is the absolute best way to turn small amounts of money into life-changing wealth, and that’s our goal as we head into the second half of the year… and into the future.

I hope you have a great July 4th weekend and summer. The same spirit and determination that has pushed us forward for the last 244 years will push us forward for long into the future.

P.S. Bill Gates is one of the great entrepreneurs of our time. His company, Microsoft (MSFT), capitalized on the internet and generated more than 18,000% profits.

5G is setting up similar opportunities today. But many investors are acting on bad information.

It’s maddening, and it’s why I recently released the 5G Highway Super Portfolio. It is filled with stocks set to ride the wave higher, like the #1 5G medical robotics company or a company I’m calling the “Google of 5G.”

To learn more about the massive opportunity and the companies I’m talking about, click here now.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! This week, Matt asked his Twitter followers what stocks they wanted him to talk about… and they bombarded him with more than 100 tickers! He gives you his thoughts on 20 of them. Matt also talks about the red-hot electric vehicle sector and discusses the latest jobs number, which sent the Nasdaq to new all-time highs.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/07/celebrating-where-weve-come-from-and-where-were-headed/.

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