For the First Time… Here’s Your Chance to View My Personal Watch List

It’s hard to believe that just five months ago stocks fell into a bear market faster than any other time in history.

But just this week, tech stocks rallied to all-time highs, led by some of the biggest names in the industry. Companies ranging from Apple (AAPL) to Facebook (FB) hit record levels while the Nasdaq pushed above 11,000 for the first time in history.

I dive into all the details in today’s new episode of MoneyLine. While the market gave back some of its gains today, stocks remain the best game in town.

Or maybe I should say “one of the best” games in town.

Did you catch my debate with legendary growth investor Louis Navellier on Wednesday? Both of us are extremely bullish on stocks right now. So much so that Louis is calling for the Dow to hit 40K. I don’t disagree… but I believe bitcoin is on pace to beat it to that milestone.

If you missed it, click here to catch the replay of our Race to 40K debate before it’s taken down. The icing on top of the cake? Louis and I each share our top picks to maximize the rallies on the horizon.

Now, back to the podcast.

One of the week’s biggest stories throughout the market – especially for my Early Stage Investor and Investment Opportunities subscribers – was the mega-merger in the telehealth sector. Teladoc Health (TDOC) announced that it will merge with Livongo Health (LVGO) in a stock and cash deal worth about $18.5 billion. Both stocks fell on the news, and investors want to know what’s next. I break down the details and give you my thoughts on both companies.

Should you hold? Sell? Buy more? Tune in to get my in-depth review.

Then, I do something a bit different. Because I’m travelling (for work purposes, and don’t worry I’m staying very safe), I had to pivot and record this episode off the cuff. And I think it led to a fun and interesting look into how my system analyzes stocks. I hope you agree.

I share my personal watch list live… on air… and I highlight some names that you should be keeping an eye on as well.  You might be surprised to find out which stocks made the cut.

And speaking of travel, I saw something at the Charlotte Airport that gave me an epiphany. I share it and so much more on today’s episode of MoneyLine.

Have a great weekend. Stay safe, and stay cool.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

How the 5G Breakthrough Can Make You Rich

The next trillion-dollar companies – the next Amazon, the next Google, etc. – are being hatched in research facilities and garages around the world. These firms will further change the world and revolutionize our economy.

Just as Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft can’t function without the internet, the next generation of world-changing, $1 trillion mega winners can’t survive without the subject of this report… the super powerful infrastructure technology we call “5G.” Learn more here.

How to Make Huge Profits From the Shift to Transportation 2.0

The car as we know it is on the verge of a transformative change not seen since Karl Benz invented it nearly 135 years ago. In fact, the whole transportation sector is now poised for its version of 2.0.

I’m not exaggerating when I say this will lead to trillions of dollars in money sloshing around in the coming decades. What is coming will create one of the five biggest investment opportunities you’ll ever see in your life, no matter when you were born. Learn more here.

How to Cash In on the Biggest Battery Breakthrough in a Century

The next big breakthrough in battery technology is an innovation that will have multi-trillion-dollar economic implications. I can tell you this mega innovation isn’t a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when,” and I believe it will go down as one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century.

Those on the right side of this innovation stand to build incredible wealth… just like people did from the creation of the internet and the smartphone. Think of this as your “field guide” for profiting from the next big battery breakthrough. Learn more here.

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