Another Brilliant Mind Joined Me for Today’s MoneyLine – You Don’t Want to Miss It

Get ready for some must-see TV!

The first presidential debate is tonight, and it could get very interesting – for a lot of reasons. I suspect it may finally start to shed some light on who could win the election coming up quickly on November 3.

The election is definitely a hot topic for investors right now, but it’s far from the only one. There’s the recent correction in the market… the continuing pandemic… upcoming earnings reports… and so much more at top of mind.

That’s why on today’s new episode of MoneyLine, I welcome one of the brightest minds in the financial world – Ryan Detrick.

Ryan is the chief market strategist at LPL Research, and he joins me for the entire show today. It really is a must-watch episode for anyone interested in or even just thinking about investing in the stock market – especially before tonight’s debate.

First, we cover the recent pullback and how it bodes well for stocks in the coming weeks.

Then Ryan and I discuss the potential for a rebound in earnings next year and how the U.S. could see the slowest growth in the entire world. He even lets you in on what country he’s bullish on today. And trust me, it’s one you’d never guess.

Tech has been the market leader this year, and Ryan believes it will continue to outperform next year and beyond. He talks about how and why this is the start of a new bull market – NOT a bear market as most of Wall Street would have you believe.

Then… can the market the stock market predict the next president? According to history, it actually has been one of the most accurate predictors over the years. Ryan lays out the numbers you need to be watching.

And finally, I convince Ryan to share the one sector he loves for the next five-10 years. Let me give you a small hint… it’s one I love, too!

I could talk to Ryan for hours. Days even. But we crammed the most important topics in today’s MoneyLine podcast. Click here to watch it now.

P.S. Ryan Detrick is one of the brightest minds in the financial world… and I just launched a brand-new portfolio with one of the greatest minds in the cryptocurrency world.

Charlie Shrem is one of the original pioneers in the crypto industry… was buying bitcoin when it traded below $10… founded one of the original bitcoin exchanges… and today is known as one of the most influential people in the space.

I recently sat down with Charlie to talk about the next big thing in cryptocurrencies. Charlie calls it simply “The Awakening.” And if you’re paying attention to it, it could hand you a fortune that you could only previously dream of.

If you missed the event and want to capitalize on what’s coming – AND learn about Charlie’s #1 pick in the space – you can watch a full replay here while it’s still available.

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