Taking the Stage with a Legend

It’s not quite the same as talking with Bill Gates about Microsoft (MSFT), or Elon Musk about Tesla (TSLA), or Jeffrey Bezos about Amazon (AMZN).

But it’s close.

In about one hour, I’m going to sit down with a bitcoin legend who was one of the first to learn about the revolutionary new cryptocurrency nearly 12 years ago.

He’s been a bitcoin bull ever since, created one of the first crypto exchanges, helped start the Bitcoin Foundation, and more.

As important as bitcoin is, it’s the next chapter of the story we’re going to cover.

This is the chapter you need to know about. The chapter where even more riches will be made…

There’s no two ways about it. Charlie Shrem is a bitcoin legend.

His work is considered by many to be the driving force behind bitcoin’s meteoric rise. He’s one of the first people the media turns to when they want to know what’s happening in the cryptocurrency market.

Charlie and I are going to talk about a massive event unfolding in the crypto world. We’re calling it “The Awakening.”

The last time something this transformational happened was in the mid-’90s just before the internet went mainstream. Since then, thousands of millionaires have been created and numerous billionaires. This same situation is about to play out again – only this time on an even bigger scale.

Charlie has been called bitcoin’s first tycoon, and he says what we’ve witnessed so far is just the start… a drop in the bucket compared to what’s around the corner.

That’s what we’re going to talk about in about an hour at 4:00 p.m. ET in a special event called “The Awakening.” It’s free to attend, but you do need to register. You can sign up here.

It’s going to be a fascinating conversation, and we’re getting ready now.

I honestly believe altcoins – coins that are alternatives to bitcoin – are the fastest way to legally get rich in America today.

Where else can you see once-in-a-lifetime gains like 15,455% from Egretia, 132,712% from Reddcoin, and an incredible 1,581,492% from Verge?

Charlie and I want to help you fully understand the size of this opportunity. We’ll explain an event unfolding in the crypto space that will send a few select coins soaring.

And… we’ll even reveal the name and ticker symbol of the #1 altcoin that could benefit from this massive event.

I hope you can join us. Again, this event is open to everyone, and it’s not too late. You can reserve your spot by going here.

Talk to you shortly.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! We just experienced the biggest week of IPOs this year, but the real question is which you should be investing in. Matt discusses which are keepers and which to stay away from. Then, he discusses the recent market action, including a new breakout sector that he’s keeping a close eye on as interest rates keep dropping.

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees
huge investment opportunities right now:

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/09/taking-the-stage-with-a-legend/.

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