I’m About to Reveal the Best Way to Make Big Money in What’s Coming

I’m sending MoneyWire to you early today because the next few hours will be taken up for the special Bull Market Confidential event coming up at 4 p.m. ET. I also want to make sure you have one last chance to join me if you haven’t registered yet.

The information we’ll cover in this event is critical right now on so many levels.

If you want to look to the short term, the stocks we’ll talk about are in prime position to benefit from another stimulus bill should Washington get its act together and pass one. (That’s why stocks are up today as I write this.)

And if you look to the long term, that’s when I practically jump out of my skin with excitement.

What’s coming will be incredible, and what happens next is going to make some folks extremely rich…

Regular MoneyWire readers know my outlook for the market. For newer readers, let me summarize.

I’ve talked before about a “melt up” in stocks – a term used by my good friend Steve Sjuggerud. In fact, he and I have appeared together talking about this melt up.

A melt up is the stage of a bull market where stocks experience their biggest, most explosive gains.

It’s the most critical stage of a bull market.

But what I’ll talk about shortly is much bigger and more important than a melt up. It’s going to last much longer and make investors far more money.

What I’m sharing today is the best way to play what I’m calling the “Roaring 2020s”… and how investors can maximize their gains from the multi-year bull market still to come.

It’s with a select group of stocks with unique advantages over the vast majority of stocks out there.

This is information you don’t want to miss, so if you haven’t registered yet, simply click here to sign up. (It’s completely free to attend.)

First and most importantly, these stocks have been the leaders in every bull market for decades.

And if the Roaring 2020s play out as I expect, they’ll be at the top of the list – again!

Second, this group of stocks has many similarities with past superstars like Dell (DELL), EMC Corporation (which was bought by Dell in 2016), and even Microsoft (MSFT) in their glory days in the 1980s and ’90s.

That means they have the potential to hand their shareholders the same kind of huge profits. Dell, EMC, and Microsoft all soared thousands of percent and made fortunes for shareholders.

Third, these stocks are in the ideal spot to capitalize on the convergence of powerful new technologies like artificial intelligence, 5G, biotech breakthroughs, blockchain, and more. These stocks have huge money-making potential because they’re on the cutting edge of exciting innovations that could revolutionize how we work, play, live, and learn.

Add it all up and I’ll reveal how the coming melt up could allow you to make well over 10 times your money in this niche group of stocks.

Plus… I’ll share the details on a stock that almost nobody has heard about before. I see it on track to soar eight-fold or more over the next few years.

I’m really looking forward to helping everyone out there learn about what’s going on and how to make the most of it.

I hope to see you there. There’s still time to sign up here if you haven’t registered yet. We’ll get things started at 4 p.m. ET.

P.S. In an event like this, I can reveal things that are very different from what you see from me on Yahoo! Finance or anywhere else on the internet. I simply can’t talk about these stocks in front of a big audience – like the one million people who watched the Last Bull Market event. Register for this free event now so you can be among those who get this important information.

Matt McCall’s MoneyLine Podcast

Click here to listen to Matt McCall’s MoneyLine podcast! With the election drawing closer, everyone is wondering if and when a stimulus package will be passed. And what effect will this have on the stock market? Matt answers that question. Plus… a 4G network in space is being developed. Is there an investment opportunity there? And is now a viable time to invest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies?

You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Learn where Matt McCall sees huge investment opportunities right now:

How the 5G Breakthrough Can Make You Rich

The next trillion-dollar companies – the next Amazon, the next Google, etc. – are being hatched in research facilities and garages around the world. These firms will further change the world and revolutionize our economy.

Just as Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft can’t function without the internet, the next generation of world-changing, $1 trillion mega winners can’t survive without the subject of this report… the super powerful infrastructure technology we call “5G.” Learn more here.

How to Make Huge Profits From the Shift to Transportation 2.0

The car as we know it is on the verge of a transformative change not seen since Karl Benz invented it nearly 135 years ago. In fact, the whole transportation sector is now poised for its version of 2.0.

I’m not exaggerating when I say this will lead to trillions of dollars in money sloshing around in the coming decades. What is coming will create one of the five biggest investment opportunities you’ll ever see in your life, no matter when you were born. Learn more here.

How to Cash In on the Biggest Battery Breakthrough in a Century

The next big breakthrough in battery technology is an innovation that will have multi-trillion-dollar economic implications. I can tell you this mega innovation isn’t a matter of “if,” it’s a matter of “when,” and I believe it will go down as one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century.

Those on the right side of this innovation stand to build incredible wealth… just like people did from the creation of the internet and the smartphone. Think of this as your “field guide” for profiting from the next big battery breakthrough. Learn more here.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/moneywire/2020/10/im-about-to-reveal-the-best-way-to-make-big-money-in-whats-coming/.

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