Get Ready Now for the Coming Boom

I didn’t expect to be getting together with Louis Navellier again quite this soon.

Wall Street building in the morning sun.

Source: ventdusud /

We unveiled our last Power Portfolio in mid-December with stocks we intended to hold for the coming 12 months. Well… our portfolio did better in less than two months than most do in an entire year.

By February 9, our Power Portfolio was up a stunning 38.5% — about 5X the market’s average annual return in just seven-and-a-half weeks. It was time to lock in those stellar profits.

We could have said we were done for the year and gone to play golf, but if you know either one of us, you know we would never do that. We are both golfers, sure. But we love picking stocks and helping people make money a lot more.

Much has changed in just the last few months since we built that original portfolio, and we are as bullish — if not more so — on the coming 12 months as we were back in December. So, let’s talk about what’s coming…

On Wall Street, if a money manager returns 15% per year, it’s considered a fantastic performance. It can get your face on all the major investment publications. After all, the broad market returns about 7% on average, so a 15% annual return is more than double the market average.

Then you have legendary superstar investors like Warren Buffett. Buffett is widely considered to be the best investor of the past century. Buffett’s long-term annual average return is roughly 20%… or about 5% better than your typical top performing Wall Street money manager who rings up a 15% return.

Our Power Portfolio earned an absolutely incredible return — a “better than Buffett” annual return — in less than two months. We “won” the investment game in under one quarter of the allotted time, and we declared victory by taking the extraordinary profits.

But the opportunity ahead for the next 12 months is simply too juicy to ignore, and that’s exactly what we want to talk about in our special Road Map to Recovery event next Tuesday, April 20, at 7 p.m. ET. It’s free to attend. Just click here to reserve your spot and you’re all set.

We have a lot more stimulus money being paid out, COVID-19 vaccines being distributed, and restrictions being relaxed. We have an economy that is reopening and primed for recovery.

Louis and I are in complete agreement that 2021 has all the makings of a big year in the market. We believe we’re about to witness one of the biggest stock booms in U.S. history… and that carefully selected, high-quality stocks can go up 300%, 500%, and even 1,000% over the next few years.

The last time we saw something similar was in the early ’90s. It was also a time of low inflation and incredible innovation.

The rollouts of cellular phone networks and powerful personal computers and the advent of software and the internet converged to unleash a tsunami of productivity. In a relatively short timeframe, our ability to communicate, transact, process data, analyze data, and manage supply chains was revolutionized.

The massive productivity increases from the new technologies of the 1990s were like a huge shot of adrenaline to the economy. And they paved the way for truly innovative companies harnessing these new technologies to hand their shareholders incredible returns. Companies like Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO) went up 113,000%.

A very similar story is unfolding now. We’re about to see several once-in-a-generation technologies come together at the same time and totally reshape every aspect of our lives — think artificial intelligence, 5G, precision medicine, the Internet of Things, driverless cars, the blockchain, and more.

And the impact these technologies will have on the global economy will dwarf the internet.

Louis agrees. He said he hasn’t seen these types of bullish readings since the early 1990s… before the market went on a 1,400% tear. That decade created some of the biggest winners in stock market history.

And here’s another reason we both believe 2021 will be one of the greatest years to be an investor…

Never in history has there been so much cash on the sidelines.

Businesses and consumers are sitting on record amounts of money with pent-up demand to spend it. This flood of cash and economic activity will be a massive boost for the economy and the market.

Many sectors should do very well, but if you really want to have a great year… and have the chance to make an absolute fortune… focus on the corners of the market that will see the lion’s share of the growth.

We analyzed more than 5,000 stocks and believe we’ve found what could easily be the best performing stocks for the next 12 months. We can’t wait to tell you all about it at The Road Map to Recovery event on Tuesday. I hope you’ll reserve your spot now.

On the date of publication, Matthew McCall did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. 

Matthew McCall left Wall Street to actually help investors — by getting them into the world’s biggest, most revolutionary trends BEFORE anyone else. Click here to see what Matt has up his sleeve now.

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