5 Coolest Internet of Things (IoT) Innovations

As the Internet of Things from Cisco (CSCO) gathers more buzz, there are a number of innovations on the horizon that may help CSCO stock see a huge boom.

The-Internet-of-Things-cisco-csco-stockVery quickly, if you haven’t yet heard of the Internet of Things (IoT), the concept is simple, if somewhat interwoven: As we previously noted in our explainer, the Internet of Things tries to connect everything via a sensor-driven business model.

So, for instance, if your at-work meeting is pushed back 30 minutes, an alert could be sent to your phone, which tells your alarm you can sleep, say 20 minutes longer. The message doesn’t stop there, however. Your car is turned to warm it up because the weather app indicated it snowed last night and the temperature dropped below freezing.

Check out this gallery of Internet of Things innovations.

5. Internet of Things Innovation — AllJoyn

Developed by Qualcomm (QCOM), just consider this the Intranet of Things: As an agnostic platform network that connects P2P, this system will smartly interconnect devices and systems without the help of the internet. Using Bluetooth or WiFi to transfer a song from your car speakers to your home. An increase in security? You got it.

4. Internet of Things Innovation — SmartThings

Using “smart sensors” that can be affixed in the home (or elsewhere), SmartThings connects to your mobile phone so users can trigger things like turning on lights, timing it so romantic music plays when your spouse gets home, or even shutting off the TV if the kids turn the volume too loud. The ideas for applications via SmartThings seems endless.

3. Internet of Things Innovation — FitBit

FitBit is an ‘activity’ sensor that helps you meet your health and weight-loss goals. It stores your personal data and uses it to help your meet your goals. Connect to a smart TV so that your programming access is restricted if you haven’t yet hit the gym that day. Or have the coffeemaker start automatically to help motivate you before a workout.

2. Internet of Things Innovation — EVRYTHNG

Your AC unit starting to give out? How cool would it be if it recommended a repairman nearby — or even compared prices? Need a new pair of jeans — how about your favorite pair Tweeting sales for similar ones? EVERYTHNG is pushing to connect products to the web — and to fit the needs of everyday people.

1. Internet of Things Innovation — Freescale

For those of us old enough to remember the movie Interspace (likely mostly fans of cheesy ’80s sci-fi movies with Meg Ryan), Freescale is a hush-hush product that’s — get this — swallowable. That’s right. This technology aims to monitor you from the INSIDE and then taper your body’s needs to your outside devices. Starting to wake up? How about if your curtains help the process by opening? Fall asleep on the couch? TV is shut off. Stomach growling? How about your phone pulling up a list of takeout items you’ve liked in the past. The company is developing Freescale and keeping things quiet, so all we can do is speculate on how truly far the Internet of Things can go.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2013/12/internet-of-things-iot-cisco-csco-stock/.

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