Here are your Apple rumors and AAPL news items for today:
Big Sale: Early next year, Apple (AAPL) CEO Tim Cook will travel to Turkey to negotiate a possible major iPad deal with the country’s government, AppleInsider notes. A Turkish media outlet says that Cook will meet with Turkey’s president about a proposal to supply iPads to the nation’s schools, helping to do away with traditional textbooks. The deal could be worth more than $4 billion to Apple, if it materializes. Under the plan, Turkey would make an initial purchase of 10.6 million iPads. It could make additional purchases of 2.5 million iPads. The plan is expected to be introduced in Turkish schools over four years. Cook will journey to Turkey in February. Apple has promoted the iPads educational applications. Earlier this year, the Los Angeles public school system began distributing iPads to students, but encountered problems when students were able to evade Internet restrictions placed on the devices.
Bold: The windows off an Apple Store in Berlin were smashed early Monday morning by thieves, USA TODAY notes. Apple products have become the focus of thieves around the world and are considered particularly easy to resell on the black market. The Berlin thieves drove a stolen car through the store’s windows and escaped in two other vehicles with an estimated $137,000 worth of Macs, iPads and iPhones.
Targeted: Law enforcement authorities in New York are investigating whether three men used fraudulent gift cards to purchase Apple products, WTVR notes. The men were arrested on Thursday in Brooklyn after their vehicle was searched during a traffic stop. Police found 17 iPad Airs, 11 iPad Minis and 7 iPods inside the car, along with 9 iTunes gift cards. The vehicle also contained 39 gift cards whose magnetic strips had been altered. The arrests follow a massive data breach at discount retailer Target (TGT) earlier this month in which data linked to 40 million credit and debt cards was stolen. New York authorities have alerted federal authorities about the arrests.
For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors stories.