Angry Dads Want Change to ‘Amazon Mom’ Service

Several angry fathers want Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) Mom to have its name changed.

amazon-mom-amznAmazon Mom, which offers deals for parents on diapers and other baby supplies, is too exclusive of a name for some people. Many people are rallying together and asking the company to change the service’s name to “Amazon Family.” This has spawned a petition seeking 10,000 signatures to support the name change, reports MarketWatch.

The company hasn’t responded to the call for a name change to Amazon Mom. However, the service’s webpage does describe it as being open to “anyone, whether you’re a mom, dad, grandparent, or caretaker,” MarketWatch notes.

The push for Amazon Mom to change its name comes after the death of blogger Oren Miller on Saturday. Miller was a blogger that focused on being a stay-at-home dad and was frustrated by the service’s name. Supporters of the name change are using the #AmazonFamilyUS hashtag on Twitter (NYSE:TWTR), reports CNN.

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