Amazon May Launch Its Own Clothing Line

Amazon (AMZN) is interested in releasing its own line of private label clothing.

amazon-clothing-amznJeff Yurcisin, the vice president of clothing at Amazon Fashion, said that the company may chose to launch its own line of clothing to make up for empty spaces in its selection. He notes that some brands don’t want to sell their clothes on its store and that this could offer similar products as those to customers, reports The Verge.

Yurcisin went on to say that Amazon is still interested in working with brands to have their clothing appear on its store. He said that it will continue to follow retail trends and will try its best to buy and sell items at their full price. A private label would likely bring AMZN more profits than selling other brands’ clothes, The Verge notes.

A clothing line wouldn’t be Amazon’s first attempt at a private label. The company also has its Elements line. It announced in May that this line would be expanded to include groceries, household cleaners and other items.

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