A “Retirement Game Changer” from Louis Navellier


How emotions are a huge danger to investment results … why a quant-based system excels … how Louis Navellier’s “Project Mastermind” can help shore up a wobbly retirement


2015 was a banner year when it came to me losing money in the market.

A friend had told me about a new trading system he had developed which was allegedly printing money.

It was a day-trading approach that had me in-and-out of trades lightning fast, sometimes in as little as 10 minutes. The system was largely based on charts, though it included a healthy measure of “gut feel,” which I was told I would develop.

How’d things turn out?

Cue the photo of the Hindenburg exploding.

Now, sure, there were some problems with the system. But there was another, far greater problem…


All too often, I would hop into a trade and watch it go well for a few moments, only to reverse against me.

This would lead to sudden panic, visions of homelessness, followed by an emotional, fear-based “sell” at a money-losing price.

Of course, then, it was almost as though “the market” had a secret camera in my room, noting the exact moment I sold – because nearly immediately after, the trade would re-reverse and become profitable.

Adding insult to injury, on the days I mustered the courage to stay with the trade, the selloff would only intensify, and I would lose even more money.

The silver lining is I experienced first-hand one of the central tenets of investing – you can’t reach your financial goals until you first master your emotions.

Frankly, I still haven’t mastered them…which is why I’ve increasingly become a believer in quantitative investing – basically creating smart, rules-based systems that make the buy/sell decisions for you.

In essence, it’s a way for me to short-circuit the biggest threat to my money – my emotions.

***Our own Louis Navellier is one of the most respective, successful “quants” in the investment world

That’s why I’ve found myself gravitating toward Louis’ market approach for a long time now.

In his four decades of investing, Louis has always been a numbers guy. Even in his early days, he was using Wells Fargo’s powerful mainframe to create algorithmic models that outperformed the market.

In the years since, he’s further developed these models, resulting in one of the most respected track records in the investment community.

Louis’ decades of experience and the refinement of his quantitative approach to the markets have resulted in a core takeaway: better investing comes through computerized market analysis.

This afternoon at 4 p.m. ET, Louis is holding a special, live event called Project Mastermind that pulls back the curtain on his quant-based market approach.

In short, Project Mastermind is a market analysis system that uses the predictive power of computers to identify stocks that are on the cusp of price breakouts.

Unlike the system my friend told me about, there’s no “gut feel” required, no room for our emotions to trip us up. It’s an objective approach rooted in cold, impartial numbers as well as one fundamental belief – mathematics and computers offer a tremendous advantage in the investing world.

***Why Project Mastermind is needed today more than ever

Earlier this week, Louis highlighted what’s been driving his efforts to continue improving his Project Mastermind system. In short, it’s the awful condition of the average American retiree.

From Louis:

American retirement is in a shambles.

According to a recent study by the Federal Reserve, about a quarter of non-retired adults in the United States had no savings to speak of for retirement. The figure hasn’t budged since the Fed last carried out its “Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households” in 2019.

For those non-retirees who did report they had retirement savings, only 36% overall thought it was sufficient for their needs, while less than half of those age 60 or older believed they had enough retirement savings.

Of course, the situation turned into a complete disaster thanks to Covid-19. The pandemic completely upended the retirement plans of millions of Americans.

Back to Louis:

The proportion of people who said they were worse off financially than a year prior was the highest it’s been since the Fed began asking this question on its survey in 2014.

The situation is untenable, which is why I’ve decided to do something about it.

Project Mastermind is a retirement game changer…

I realize many folks at or near 65 don’t have years and years to wait for the type of retirement they deserve. Retirement is supposed to be a time of rest, relaxation, and recuperation from years and years of hard work.

That’s where my Project Mastermind comes in.

***Join Louis this afternoon to learn all about Project Mastermind

If you’re nearing, or in, retirement and facing a cash-crunch, today’s event is for you.

But as we noted at the top of this Digest, it’s also for investors who find their emotions getting in the way of investment goals.

In either case, join us this afternoon to see how Louis’ system combines data and technology to find stocks that can skyrocket quickly, many times in only a matter of weeks or months.

I’ll give Louis the final word:

Today, at 4 p.m. ET, I will present the power of Project Mastermind and show what it can do for you. I will also reveal the stock I’ve rated No. 1 based on insights from Project Mastermind – absolutely free.

Simply click here now to reserve your spot. I don’t want you to miss out.

The goal is to uncover what might be the most powerful group of stocks in the market… a unique set of companies that are primed to go up by incredible multiples faster than any others – in three to six months.

So stay tuned… we’re only hours away from the event! Sign up here now.

Have a good evening,

Jeff Remsburg

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2021/10/a-retirement-game-changer-from-louis-navellier/.

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