10 Promising Cryptos With Potential to 10X in 2022

cryptos - 10 Promising Cryptos With Potential to 10X in 2022

Source: Shutterstock

With so many fascinating developments that occurred in the market during 2021, it’s extremely difficult to pick out just one. Certainly, the rise of meme stocks may have forever changed how Wall Street approaches their next shorting opportunity. Nevertheless, in my humble opinion, cryptocurrencies take top honors. It’s a slight lead, to be sure, but cryptos have truly gone mainstream this year.

First, let me acknowledge that I’m biased. As someone who has been talking about Bitcoin (CCC:BTC-USD) for a very long time, I feel more connected to cryptos than I do most other investment sectors. Not only that, I lived through the experience, both the soaring highs and the crushing lows. It’s a wild ride, these cryptos, but ultimately I’m grateful for how the sector changed my life.

Still, should I be grateful for virtual currencies themselves or the wild speculation that drove them higher? In the euphoria, it’s hard to distinguish the two, but key differences exist. If the former, you might want to consider upping your stake in cryptos. But if the latter, the phenomenon could crumble much like a similar euphoria did during the Roaring Twenties.

Not a great way to start off a list of promising cryptos that could 10X in 2022, is it? That’s because I’m a realist. Typically, when too many people bet on the same horse, the prospect of mass disappointment only gets bigger. Furthermore, I’m going to discuss some virtual currencies that don’t get much media coverage in the hopes that their price trends are independent enough that they could deliver outsized gains.

Still, digital assets have proven they can make millionaires out of a fortunate few. Please note that I’m not making any guarantees: I’ve read about big gains, but I’ve also witnessed devastating losses. Nonetheless, if you’ve got some dumb money that won’t hurt you if you lose it, here are 10 cryptos to consider with 10X potential in 2022.

  • EncrypGen (CCC:DNA-USD)
  • Zigcoin (CCC:ZIG-USD)
  • Monolith (CCC:TKN-USD)
  • LockTrip (CCC:LOC-USD)
  • EpiK Protocol (CCC:EPK-USD)
  • PlayDapp (CCC:PLA-USD)
  • Blockster (CCC:BXR-USD)
  • Aeternity (CCC:AE-USD)
  • All Sports (CCC:SOC-USD)

One final caveat before we move forward: I don’t have a crystal ball. You might get 10X with these cryptos, you might get 20X. But you also might get 1X for all your troubles or worse yet, a fraction of an X, meaning that you’re losing money. Actually, that’s not the worse — you could owe money if you’re being reckless. Above all, be careful and perform your due diligence.

Promising Cryptos: EncrypGen (DNA)

a digital graph overlayed over hands typing and a pile of crypto coins

Source: Shutterstock

At least from a price perspective, EncrypGen appears to have a credible path toward a 10X swing in 2022. Trading hands at just under 8 cents at time of writing, it only needs to get to under 80 cents to deliver the magic “X” number that everyone keeps talking about these days.

To make things even more intriguing, over a trailing 24-hour period, the DNA token gained over 8%. So this bad boy has some moves, although that’s a two-way street, just to be clear.

However, the above stats are not the core driver behind EncrypGen. Rather, the underlying blockchain project seeks to disrupt the genomic data market, which it notes that the big testing companies command a monopoly over. Instead, the project’s Gene-Chain protocol allows individuals to be the seller of their genomic data, thus facilitating control and profits.

I have to tell you: I see a lot of nonsense with cryptos. However, this project just might work because it gives individuals alternatives to how their medical data is exploited.

Zigcoin (ZIG)

A close-up shot of the concept for a cryptocurrency exchange page.

Source: PixieMe / Shutterstock.com

Another low-priced digital asset, Zigcoin features favorable arithmetic, similar to EncrypGen above. Trading hands at around 11 cents a pop at time of writing, ZIG would only need to rise up a little over a buck to generate a 10X return.

Here’s some food for thought. Over the trailing 24 hours, ZIG gained 58%. Now, we’re talking about the crazy world of cryptos so that could change dramatically by the time you read this. Still, you need some momentum to have a reasonable shot at 10X and that’s what Zigcoin presently has.

Categorized as an asset management blockchain project, Zigcoin represents the token undergirding the Zignaly social investment platform. Coinmarketcap.com describes it as a network that “allows retail investors to invest with professional asset managers securely from within the Zignaly platform.”

Furthermore, “Neither Zignaly nor the professional trader/wealth manager charges any upfront payment, and profits are automatically distributed to users and traders. Profit on the platform is performance-based, making it one of the most cost-effective wealth management tools in the industry.”

Given the upcoming initial public offering of Nu Holdings — which owns the neobank brand Nubank — democratization of financial opportunities is huge. Thus, ZIG is one of the cryptos to consider.

Promising Cryptos: Monolith (TKN)

stocks to trade One Hundred Dollar Bills Federal Stimulus

Source: Kevin McGovern / Shutterstock.com

As one of the cryptos that just enjoyed a gargantuan gain — we’re talking a nearly 221% leapfrogging over the last 24 hours since the time of this writing — you might want to keep Monolith on your watch list before forking over some serious money. Then again, you also might want to throw a few units of fiat currencies right now, just in case this thing moves again.

TKN undergirds a blockchain network that’s part of the decentralized finance (DeFi) movement. To make a long, nuanced story incredibly condensed, DeFi replaces centralized intermediaries like brokers and market makers with a decentralized distributed protocol. Essentially, this means that anyone with an internet connection can potentially provide market making (liquidity) services for cryptocurrency trading pairs.

Specifically, Coinmarketcap.com points out that “Monolith is a decentralised banking alternative.” Through its partnership with major credit cards, the network allows users to spend their cryptos — through Monolith-branded debit cards — in fiat anywhere.

From what I understand, Monolith is the gatekeeper between cryptos and fiat. Watch this space as it can be huge.

Promising Cryptos: VIBE (VIBE)

A concept image of a woman in business attire wearing a VR helmet with various images of meetings in front of her.

Source: takayuki / Shutterstock.com

Frankly, if VIBE garners any more momentum, it could very well 10X within this year. That’s not to suggest that you should grow FOMO or the fear of missing out over it. Sometimes (but not all the time), we do silly things when we’re emotional.

Nevertheless, the performance of VIBE over the past 24 hours has been nothing short of stunning, gaining 218.5% as of this writing. Over the trailing week, the token is up 4.5X, so it’s almost halfway to the 10X mark. Despite the already outsized performance, VIBE might still have plenty left in the tank for 2022.

As you know, the metaverse is a massive deal, with social media company Facebook changing its name to Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:FB). Listed under the metaverse category, the VIBE token represents the cryptocurrency undergirding the namesake ecosystem, which is a virtual gaming universe.

I’m not going to pretend that I care about metaverse-related gaming infrastructures because I don’t. However, many experts claim that this virtualization of everything phenomenon is the future of gaming. If so, I wouldn’t be surprised if VIBE 10X-es from here, even with its already robust gains.

LockTrip (LOC)

two women carrying luggage in an airport

Source: Shine Nucha / Shutterstock

With LockTrip, we’ve finally arrived at cryptos that are trading hands at single-dollar-digit territory. At its time-of-writing price of $3.61, the token will obviously need to hit slightly over $36 to deliver 10X gains. If recent momentum is anything to go by, LOC admittedly doesn’t carry the credibility of other tokens mentioned on this list, up less than 3% over the trailing 24 hours.

If that didn’t worry you, LockTrip tokens are down over 3% during the trailing week. Judging from its technical posture, further downside is possible. The next logical level of support is below $2, so that’s something to keep in mind before you start rushing in.

Nevertheless, the concept of underlining LOC tokens is intriguing. Per Coinmarketcap.com, “LockTrip.com is a blockchain-based travel marketplace that allows users to save up to 60% on their bookings by cutting out middlemen and their commissions. It is possible to choose among various payment methods such as credit card, popular cryptocurrencies and the native LOC token to bypass payment fees.”

Frankly, I’m not sure how feasible it is to cut out travel agents with the blockchain, nor if it’s even wise to do so. Given the chaotic pandemic, a good travel agent is worth their weight in salt. Still, it’s an interesting concept worth considering.

Promising Cryptos: EpiK Protocol (EPK)

Robot hand touching fingertips with human hand through a screen. represents ai and machine learning stocks

Source: Shutterstock

At the peak of its power, the tokens underlining EpiK Protocol reached a price over $2 a pop. On Black Friday during the global markets rout, EPK was trading hands at just under 37 cents. Well, that was one discount that speculators should have advantaged. Over the past 24 hours, EPK gained a very hearty 30%.

Categorized as one of the storage-based blockchain networks, these associated cryptos are among the most believable in terms of hype. I say this because other virtual-currency-related projects feature goals that are too lofty; for instance, replacing fiat currencies with decentralized coins and tokens.

I’m sorry but no government entity will be so quick to give up its power, especially not the power of fiat currencies. But a storage ecosystem? That I can understand. Essentially, such platforms are participatory and voluntary. Users engage the target platform to extract a crypto reward.

In EpiK Protocol’s case, it seeks to “transform knowledge in various fields into a knowledge graph.” To me, the purpose appears to be to use the blockchain technology to create an immutable database of collective knowledge, thereby catalyzing a more intelligent future.

I’m a bit skeptical about the future of humanity but if you’re an optimistic, EPK could be for you.

PlayDapp (PLA)

An abstract concept image for blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Source: Shutterstock

Gaming as in the wagering kind is big business. Interestingly, special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) have not delivered the best performance metrics when stacked up against benchmark indices on a year-to-date basis. But gaming companies that IPOd off SPAC-based reverse mergers have generally done well, with the notable example being DraftKings (NASDAQ:DKNG).

Therefore, the combination of gaming (particularly sports betting) and cryptos appears to have strong potential for a 10X move. That’s what PlayChip aims to deliver, stating that its vision is to become the universal gaming token. Furthermore, PlayChip offers a variety of applications, including the ability to “enter competitions and challenges, deliver instant payouts, incentivise new and existing users, and carry metadata” to ascertain legality of certain bets depending on user jurisdiction.

In addition, PlayDapp also offers the advantages of the blockchain to the gaming market, including lower cost, enhanced security and unparalleled convenience, among many other attributes. Moreover, multiple mainstream media sites have featured the PlayDapp platform, suggesting that it’s on the cusp of something grand.

It’s well worth checking out if you’ve got some loose change you want to put to work.

Promising Cryptos: Blockster (BXR)

Source: Shutterstock

Before I get into the below discussion about Blockster, a blockchain-powered social media platform, some important disclosures are necessary. First, I’m a member of team Blockster, if you will, receiving stablecoins as compensation for rendering content-related services. Second, while I do not own BXR tokens as of this writing, I may very well earn them in the future for performing various other services.

Therefore, take what I say about Blockster with a grain of salt and perform your own due diligence before proceeding. With that disclosure out of the way, I think you’ll find the concept intriguing.

As you know, big tech firms don’t just censor “wrong” opinions (whatever that means). Rather, companies like Facebook have historically endured a love-hate relationship with cryptos, celebrating the concept of decentralization and democratization yet banning them at one point before reversing course.

But that’s the beauty of Blockster. It’s a community featuring the ins and outs of cryptocurrencies and decentralized projects. In addition, it’s not a monolithic platform. For instance, one of my earlier articles criticizing the mindless speculation toward meme coins was actually well received.

Should the crypto fandom blossom even more, you’ll want to keep Blockster on your radar.

Aeternity (AE)

An image of a hand holding a cell phone with several visualizations of digital building blocks floating above it. representing sto platforms

Source: Marko Aliaksandr/ShutterStock.com

One of the application-centric blockchain projects, Aeternity has been on fire recently. Over the trailing 24-hour period, the AE coin gained over 21% of market value. Furthermore, its seven-day trailing return of 25% would have been much higher were it not for concerns regarding the omicron variant of the novel coronavirus.

After hitting a recent high of 25.4 cents, the trailing-week return would have been 49%. But here’s where it gets very interesting for speculators. Back during the 2017 bull run in cryptos, Aeternity was trading hands at over $3.50 a pop. Then, in the spring of 2018 after several digital assets succumbed to bear market pressures, AE was on the cusp of breaking into $5 territory.

I don’t want to put any thoughts into people’s heads. But I can’t help thinking that if AE were to hit $5 again, from the current price point, that would be a 23.5X return.

Certainly, there’s interest in the crypto community for what the Aeternity project offers. Essentially, the platform helps eliminate inefficiencies in crypto markets by “increasing scalability of smart contracts and dApps [decentralized applications], sharding, and off-chain contract execution.”

Promising Cryptos: All Sports (SOC)

Various sports equipment like a football, soccer ball and volleyball on green grass.

Source: Shutterstock

If you want to take a wild wager with high-risk, high-reward cryptos, you might want to add All Sports to your radar. As I write this, the underlying SOC token is trading hands at just a few ticks underneath the 0.8 cent level. Because it’s one of those fractional penny stocks of the virtual currency sector, the law of (extremely) small numbers could do wonders for your portfolio.

Enticing gamblers is that All Sports saw dramatic engagement and sentiment earlier this year. In May when several cryptos printed their previous all-time records, SOC hit 5.5 cents. A return to that level from its present status is worth a 7X move right there. But in terms of all-time average highs, SOC reached just underneath 30 cents. From that comparison, we’re talking a 38X move.

Of course, when you’re dealing with these ultra-low-priced cryptos, there’s always the chance of incurring crippling losses. Therefore, I would keep a cool head and some perspective. Nevertheless, this sports industry-centric blockchain initiative might enjoy another round of trading sentiment. With folks looking for an alternative to the usual noise, All Sports could fit the bill.

On the date of publication, Josh Enomoto held a LONG position in BTC. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the InvestorPlace.com Publishing Guidelines.

A former senior business analyst for Sony Electronics, Josh Enomoto has helped broker major contracts with Fortune Global 500 companies. Over the past several years, he has delivered unique, critical insights for the investment markets, as well as various other industries including legal, construction management, and healthcare.

A former senior business analyst for Sony Electronics, Josh Enomoto has helped broker major contracts with Fortune Global 500 companies. Over the past several years, he has delivered unique, critical insights for the investment markets, as well as various other industries including legal, construction management, and healthcare. Tweet him at @EnomotoMedia.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2021/12/10-promising-cryptos-with-10x-potential-2022/.

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