It’s Like Investing Magic… But the Profits are Real

If you’re looking to buy a house, where would you start?

a digital graph with numbers behind it and a rainbow lighting effect

Source: Shutterstock

Would you identify neighborhoods where you want to live?

Or would you look more for the house itself?

In the end, you want both… the right house in the right neighborhood.

The same is true for investing.

You can start with the big theme (the neighborhood), or you can look for individual stocks (the house).

But in the end, you want the right stocks in the right themes.

When those two approaches come together, you can find your dream house and your dream portfolio…

I start with the neighborhood and then find the best houses. When I research stocks, I look first at massive hypergrowth trends and then work my way down to the best companies in those trends. This is called a “top down” approach.

It’s different from many Wall Street firms, which use a “bottom up” approach. They pay less attention to the mega-trends and concentrate on specific companies, regardless of their sector.

There is a place for either in long-term investing. But the real magic happens when both land on the same stocks. Whether you got there from the top down or the bottom up, you have a higher probability of potentially big winners.

That’s exactly why I have joined forces with my friend and colleague Louis Navellier.

Louis has been in the business for more than 40 years, and he is a flat-out genius when it comes to numbers. He’s had tremendous success with the bottom-up approach, analyzing tons of data using computer models and artificial intelligence. He writes sophisticated algorithms and lets the computers go to work, sifting through piles of predictive data to generate the best investments in the market.

On the flip side, I start with the very big picture. What trends are changing our world and set for massive growth? I then put pencil to paper, fingers to keyboard, and boots on the ground to drill way down into the companies best positioned to profit from that hypergrowth.

I don’t exclude data and computer models, just as Louis doesn’t exclude his own research beyond his algorithms. I use models to help forecast future revenue and earnings growth, and I strongly consider valuation metrics before recommending a stock to my readers.

Louis and I have known each other for years, and we often have similar views on the stock market. For some reason, we never considered combining our two systems until a couple of years ago.

After we floated the idea and got to work, we discovered a few things.

Very few stocks are strong buys in both of our systems.

And it takes a lot of work and research for us to agree on even 10 or 12 stocks.

But it’s worth it… because when we do, we trounce the market.

When agreed on our first portfolio of stocks in late 2019. We called it Power Portfolio 2020… and that proved to be the right name. That portfolio powered its way to 35% profits in just under a year, blowing away the Dow’s 6% return in the same timeframe.

After that initial success, we did it again at the end of last year, building Power Portfolio 2021 with select stocks we saw as likely to outperform for the coming year. Well… that portfolio did better in less than two months than most do in an entire year.

By Feb. 9, we took profits with the portfolio up a stunning 38.5% — about 5X the market’s average annual return in just seven-and-a-half weeks.

With so much of the year left, we just released our newest portfolio… called Power Portfolio 2021: Reloaded.

Louis and I sat down just two days ago to discuss our research and what it reveals about the market right now. We called our webinar the Road Map to Recovery, and you can watch the replay here for free.

In a nutshell, we are closer than ever to putting COVID-19 behind us, and the economy is about to boom. Plus, trillions of dollars in stimulus are about to flood the market. That’s a recipe for an economic boom and a stock market boom.

So our systems don’t just agree on the stocks. They are also telling us loudly and clearly — now is the time to be in stocks.

All told, we put more than 5,000 stocks through Louis’ high-powered computer models and my research, and we narrowed them down to 10 that we feel are best positioned for the next 12 months.

They include one of the most interesting small companies you’ve probably never heard of set to benefit from the reopening of schools and businesses… a great under-the-radar play on several fast-growing and innovative end markets… and a company that will make you hungry just reading about it. (You may even be munching on one of its products right now.)

Whether you like a top-down approach or a bottom-up approach, my main message to you today is you need to be invested in stocks right now. We believe the rest of 2021 will be big for investors, and we don’t want you to miss out. Down days like today give us even better buying opportunities.

And if you like the idea of investing in the best stocks agreed upon by two proven systems, you can click here to learn more.

On the date of publication, Matthew McCall did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. 

Matthew McCall left Wall Street to actually help investors — by getting them into the world’s biggest, most revolutionary trends BEFORE anyone else. Click here to see what Matt has up his sleeve now.

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