A man hoping to fly from Newark, N.J., to Istanbul was removed from a United Airlines (NYSE:UAL) flight for taking a picture.
The man — a New York-based travel blogger — boarded the plane and decided to take a picture of the new seats, reports The Inquisitr. When he did so, a flight attendant asked him to stop, citing United regulations. The policy, outlined in the in-flight magazine, says, “Unauthorized photography or audio or video recording of any airline personnel, aircraft equipment or procedures is always prohibited.”
The man explained to the flight attendant that he was attempting to document the new structural changes to the seats for his blog. He claims he gave her his card and explained that he writes about United most days and that he didn’t want her to think he was a terrorist.
The blogger says he immediately stopped taking pictures, but minutes later he was asked to remove himself from the plane. The pilot asked for his removal after being informed of his actions, saying he was told by the flight attendant that the blogger continued taking pictures after being asked to stop. The blogger denies the allegations.